shines. The sun is streaming in the windows when Gran and Maggie come into the kitchen. Because it’s Saturday, the clinic doesn’t open until noon today, so we’re able to have a relaxing breakfast before Gran needs to run errands.
“That was delicious, Zoe.” Gran smiles as I wrap up the leftover quiche. “Now, who wants to help me with my errands?”
“I’ll come,” Maggie says, looking at me. I pass because I want to think about the antifreeze problem a little more before I bring Maggie and the Vet Volunteers into it all. And I need to decide how to reply to my mother.
“See you in a couple hours,” Gran says.
Maggie just waves good-bye, but she acts kind of bouncy, like she might be happy that I’m staying behind. Hmm. Does she want Gran to herself? I suppose that’s possible. Now that I’m back, I guessthey haven’t really had any time without me. I might just be imagining things, but my good mood from breakfast is over.
I go over my notes and research for about an hour more. I still don’t know what to say to Mom so I leave that whole issue alone. Instead, I decide to go over to David’s house to check on Rover. Maybe Brian will be there, too. That would cheer me up. Plus, I’m looking particularly cute today. I have on my skinniest jeans and my teal chiffon blouse. Mom always says that teal brings out my eyes.
But Brian isn’t home. Can’t win ’em all.
“I’m babysitting Ashley again,” David says as I step inside. “Brian’s at work and Mom’s shopping. I’m allowed to make peanut-butter-and-jelly cookies. Want some?”
I can’t imagine what peanut-butter-and-jelly cookies are, but I say yes because Ashley is standing there grinning and rubbing her tummy like a cartoon character.
“Sure. How long do they take to bake?” I ask. The kitchen is spotless. I can only imagine what kind of mess David will make if he bakes cookies.
“They don’t get baked,” Ashley says, swinging on the cupboard door. “They get maked.”
“Maked, huh?”
“She’s right,” David says, gently nudging Ashley out of the way so he can reach into the cupboard. He pulls out a jar of peanut butter and a package of vanilla wafer cookies. “They get maked. Er—
David finds the jelly in the refrigerator and pulls a butter knife from the drawer. Ashley has a stack of plastic plates in her arms.
“Too many, kiddo,” David says. “We just need three.”
Ashley puts some of the plates back and leaves maybe four or five on the counter.
David smiles at her and starts spreading peanut butter on some wafers and jelly on others. “Go ahead, do your part,” he says to her.
“I make them the best,” Ashley says as she squishes the wafers together to form peanut-butter-and-jelly cookies.
They are a little drippy from too much jelly, but otherwise, surprisingly good. David pours us each a glass of milk, and when we’re done, he cleans up. I’m impressed. Maybe David has grown up a little since I left.
Full and satisfied, with just a little bit of jelly on her shirt, Ashley skips off to play in her room. It’s just David and me now. I got so caught up in the cookies that I almost forgot why I came here in the first place.
“How is Rover?” I ask.
“About the same. Come see.” David leads the way to his room. Rover is curled up on David’s bed. He doesn’t react when David pets him.
“Poor Rover,” I whisper. “You didn’t bring him to the clinic, did you?” I probably would have noticed if he had, but maybe they came when I was out of the house.
“Not yet. He started looking better, but then he went back to being lethargic.”
“Gran should be back by now. Don’t you think you ought to have her take a peek?”
“Maybe.” David looks uneasy.
I don’t want to worry him too much, but this is important. “We got Puff’s results back. It turns out she was poisoned by antifreeze. Maybe that’s not what’s happening to Rover, but it would be better to figure it out