A Touch of Summer

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Book: Read A Touch of Summer for Free Online
Authors: Evie Hunter
yet. Like …'
    Summer waited for him to finish the sentence but he bent to pick some more berries, filling the pocket of his cargo pants. The man was maddening. How could he almost say something and pull away like that?
    They walked on until they came to an old wooden gate and he helped her climb over it. The sandy path led down to a semi-circular cove, a small sun-trap sheltered by jagged cliffs. The afternoon sun beat down on her heavy uniform. The fabric was beginning to chafe. Why hadn’t she worn her shorts? Without the cool breeze, she would bake in this jumpsuit if she had to wear it for much longer.
    Flynn picked a spot that was sheltered from the sea breeze and laid the sleeping bag on the sand. Summer looked around her. Unless someone came into the cove, they couldn’t be seen. Excitement trailed down her spine like an icy finger at the prospect of what was to come.
    He pulled his sweat-stained t-shirt over his head and tossed it over a silvery-grey tree trunk, before lying down on the makeshift bed and propping himself up on his elbows. 'Take off that uniform, soldier.'
    The quiet command in his tone made her reach for the zipper. Was she really going to do this? In broad daylight, only minutes away from the others. Low in her abdomen, desire unfurled like a sail in the wind.
    Flynn’s eyes narrowed. 'Don’t even think of disobeying me.'
    Summer ran her tongue along her lower lip, tasting the sticky residue of the berry. She reached for her zipper.
    'Shoes first, then the rest, slowly.'
    Summer toed off her pumps. With teasing slowness, she pulled down the zip to expose the pale lace of her bra beneath. She slid the uniform off one shoulder and then the other, all while keeping her eyes on his face.
    She shimmied out of the suit and it pooled at her ankles. Stepping out of it, Summer tossed it onto the driftwood trunk beside Flynn’s t-shirt. The matching cream lace panties should have been demure but judging by Flynn’s expression, they weren’t.
    'Anything else? Sir.' She added the last word, remembering when Flynn had collared her as if he owned her. Despite the warmth of the sun, she shivered.
    Flynn patted the sleeping bag beside him and reached for the medical kit. 'Let’s see what we have here.'
    Summer knelt, expecting him to take out something so that she could tend to his cut. She was surprised when he removed a larger packet and tore it open with his teeth. 'Tourniquet,' he announced. 'Give me your hands.'
    He grasped both of her wrists in one hand and eased the tourniquet over them with the other and tightened it. 'Lie down. Arms above your head.'
    She swallowed hard. This wasn’t the romantic interlude she had imagined. Flynn was in full Dom mode now. She lay back.
    'Good girl,' he said. Flynn traced a path with his finger from her throat, down through the valley of her breasts before pausing at the lacy edge of her panties. 'I don’t think you’ll need these.'
    He tugged them off and tossed them on top of the other clothing before turning his attention to her bra. Instead of removing it, he drew the lace away from her hardened nipples, plumping the tender flesh until he was satisfied. Reaching into his pocket he took out a handful of wolfberries. Flynn squeezed one of them, allowing the juice to drip onto her heated flesh. Summer squirmed and was rewarded with a stern look.
    She held her breath as he did the same with her other breast until a trail of juice slid into the hollow between them. She clenched her teeth, trying not to move. Her hips rocked involuntarily. She wanted him, wanted his hands and mouth on her. But Flynn was mercilessly patient, taking his own sweet time to work her into a helpless frenzy. 'Please.' A tiny whimper escaped.
    'As you’ve asked so nicely.' He took one nipple between his teeth and bit lightly, sending a sizzle of pleasure and pain straight to her core. Summer arched and cried out as his hot mouth seized her, stroking the tender flesh with his tongue. She

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