be 26 years old in a month, reasonably young for my old reality. The idea of being technically 586 years old, a fossil from a faraway past without a clue about the reality I had landed in, petrified me. Not only had I a lot to learn about this faraway future, but I was facing the real prospect of not being able to return to my old time again.
I sat for a while on this U-shaped sofa, as I tried to wrap my brain around the idea of living in the future. I had to pull myself together and get used to this new world. I figured I would have plenty of time later on, to think about returning home. For the time being, I had to start leaning everything I could about this immaculate place.
My desire to have another peek of the outside view returned, although with reserves. Link, being aware of my fear of heights, it limited the projection of outside only to the top half of the walls and I was able to look down as if I was standing on a balcony. The view was breath-taking and I wondered if I had no choice to go back home, would I ever be able to live a normal life like everyone else born into this reality?
The outside view was impossible to describe in details to someone born in the 21 st century, unless you are there in person to witness it. Even for me being there and seeing it all before my very eyes, it felt like a weird dream and impossible to comprehend. I kept staring at the skyline from my apartment, and the view of round tall buildings and the flying vehicles between them appeared unreal and yet, there it was in front of me screaming loudly its existence.
There was no food in the apartment and since my brain thought of eating, the Link explained to me the way people fed in this world. Link instructed me to take one of each colour as the main meal, which apparently was the way they fed here. All the minerals and vitamins the human body needed to survive were concentrated and available at the right amount in those pills.
A square box appeared from the floor in one of the corners and Link instructed me to push anywhere on the vertical surface. The side surface slid open sideways. Inside it was a shelf full of different coloured pills and nothing else. The pills were of a considerable size and chewable. Each colour had a different taste, but unfortunately tasted nothing like the real food.
Drinks, mostly flavoured water, came from another smaller box that aroused from the pavement next to the feeding box and it had a virtual touch screen that showed different flavours I could choose from. I noticed there were no fizzy drinks available and some of these drinks were unknown to me.
Not only this entire experience was new to me, but it aroused a sad feeling inside as well. I believed, if I had to stay in this reality for the rest of my life, I had to say goodbye to all the nice meals and drinks I was used to consume in my old reality. I chewed all the seven pills with some peach flavoured water, which was unusually light, fragrant and very tasty. A few minutes later, the feeling of hunger had gone and I didn’t feel the need to eat again despite my stomach feeling empty. It was really weird how those pills affected my body’s need to be fed, without being able to feel my stomach full.
I placed the Link device on my wrist and started to study the screen in more detail to find out what else it was able to do. The sound of Link in my head started to explain the purpose of the device and what it was capable of. I heard again, this time in more details, how this device functioned as a planetary register of all humans, both living and dead, since the system was first brought to life. It had the capability of interfering with human thoughts and acting upon them. Link was also a crime prevention device by reporting thoughts of a dangerous and criminal nature to the main system.
This device worked as an ID, as a wireless remote control to change the surroundings and more of the sort, to interact with other devices, as a bank card