A Taste of Temptation
meant to peek inside this room, not enter it.”
    “To see if you could find a ghost among my belongings.” Once again she thought she saw a flicker of a smile playing about the corners of his lips, but he was remaining so stoic, she couldn’t be sure.
    One thing she was sure of. She would never forget the scent of his soap or those strange sensations that developed low in her abdomen.
    She swallowed hard. There was no way she could appear any more foolish, so she answered, “No, that was mere curiosity once I found myself inside. What I meant to say is that I never intended to actually enter your chambers. I heard someone coming up the stairs, and I didn’t want to get caught at your doorway so I stepped inside, and then—” She stopped again.
    He lifted a skeptical brow. “And then what?” She hesitated, searching for the right words. “I’ve never been in a gentleman’s rooms before, and I must admit my curiosity got the better of me. There, now are you happy that I’ve admitted to such inquisitiveness?”
    “I accept that curiosity led you to my dressing table, but if a ghost led you into my rooms, either you should be committed to Bedlam or you are a good actress. Either way, I still see no reason why I shouldn’t call the magistrate and have you taken straight to Newgate.” She tried to pull her wrist from his grasp but he was too strong. His hard gaze remained firmly on her face, searching her eyes. Then, suddenly, without warning, he let go of her.
    Keeping her voice level, she said, “By all means call the magistrate if you wish, my lord. I have told the truth and even you should know that sometimes people stray into the wrong rooms at private parties.”
    Without giving clear thought to what she was doing next, Olivia suddenly held her arms out wide and said, “I did not come in here to steal anything from you. Search my person. You will find that I have nothing of yours on me.”
    “You would really let me search you?” His tone, the light of intrigue in his honey-colored eyes, made her stomach quiver deliciously. Teasing warmth tingled across her breasts. She sensed an unusual quickening between her legs. What was she doing challenging this man to touch her?
    Maybe I have gone mad.
    She slowly returned her arms to her sides. She took a step back and found her hips pressed against the dresser.
    There was no escape. She was trapped but strangely not frightened.

    She looked into his eyes again and suddenly she felt hot, breathless, and excited.
    “I only meant that I want you to be sure that I have taken nothing from your room, nor do I want anything from you.” He advanced on her, imprisoning her with his powerful body, near enough to touch her. His voice was low and suggestive as he whispered, “So you said. But perhaps, I will search you. Just to be sure. Do you have anything hidden in your hair?”
    The earl leaned his body closer to hers. She sensed his strength, she felt his heat. He reached up and placed one hand to the side of her head. Warmth flooded her at his touch.
    He lightly threaded his fingers through the side of her hair, making a few strands of her dark blonde curls tumble from the chignon at her nape. The gentleness of his caress was strangely soothing when it should have been egregiously shocking.
    A small puff of breath was all that escaped her lips. She knew she should push him away, or scream, or at least slap his face. But she had no desire to do any of those things.
    She stood there, barely breathing, and allowed him to mes-merize her with his compelling touch and provocative words.
    “How about your ears? Have you hidden something behind them, Miss Banning?”
    His hand softly, confidently slipped down to her ear.
    With his fingertips he outlined its shape, very slowly, before slipping his fingers behind her ear to tenderly caress the soft skin there with the pads of his fingers. His caress stimulated her more than anything she’d ever experienced.
    Olivia was glad

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