A Solid Core of Alpha

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Book: Read A Solid Core of Alpha for Free Online
Authors: Amy Lane
for me,” Alex purred, and Anderson lowered his forehead to his desk and started a rhythmic thumping designed to hustle them through the next four hours of school.
    It didn’t work. Alex was like… like a Hydran slime leech, only tighter to Anderson’s skin and twice as gross. He fawned, he grabbed, and by the end of the school day, Mr. Kay had reprimanded him twice for imposing on Anderson’s personal space, and moved his seat. The kicker was when Alex gave that heavy-lidded smirk of his and said, “No worries, teach. Tomorrow, I’m sure a new seat will be in the program.” He winked at Anderson and said, “Get it, brown eyes, get it? Program?”
    Anderson glowered at his best friend. “Oh, I get it,” he muttered, and Bobby had the grace to blush, even if it was the thousandth time.
    “So?” Kate asked eagerly as they met her after school. They walked through the carefully designed pathways, around buildings and secret corners, and right into—
    “Oh. My. God.”
    And there was Alex, his impressively large, thick cock elongated and full in front of him and one of the weaker-willed, less attractive girls in their class on her knees before him.
    Anderson simply gaped, but for Bobby, this seemed to be the last straw. After grabbing both Anderson and Kate by the arms and hauling them out of earshot of the smirking Alex, he turned to Kate in outrage, snapping, “Bi? Of all things, you made him bi ?”
    Kate shrugged and looked sheepish. “Well, Anderson clicked ‘standard’ on everybody’s proclivities. I figured this way, if he didn’t work, he could, you know, find someone else who liked him.”
    Anderson looked at her, feeling a little queasy. “He’s, uh, sort of a sleazebag, Kate. Do we really want to, you know, squander our energy on a sleazebag?” The “squander the energy” thing wasn’t simply metaphor. Anderson had been doing fuel calculations over the past few months, trying to see if the extra use of power that had converted the entire shuttle to a holodeck was fully compensated for by the lack of the thirty people that the shuttle would normally have been carrying. Since it was only designed to be in space for a year, the whole prospect was an iffy business, and after having Bobby and Kate and Mr. Kay double-check his calculations, Anderson had been forced to make some modifications. Kate would have graduated two years before anyway, so now, when she would have normally been in school, her program was diverted to the shuttle’s autopilot. This did two things—it meant that her school program didn’t have to be run, and, honestly, it made Anderson feel a little better knowing Kate was steering the shuttle.
    They’d begun to eliminate other things too—trips to the amusement park had become fewer and further between. Mr. Kay became Anderson and Bobby’s only teacher, and their class had stabilized to the twenty people they really liked and with whom they worked well together. And the curriculum was leaning more and more to things that might possibly get them out of hyperspace and to a closer space station than the one the shuttle had been programmed for. So the question was real. Could they really afford to squander fuel on a sleazebag?
    They talked about it—Anderson hated “cheating,” as he called it, but after three days of getting his ass grabbed on a constant basis and wondering who was going down on Alex for the other eight hours of the day, he was pretty sure they were nowhere near closer to coming to a resolution.
    Until the next day when Alex was gone, and a shy boy named Len was introduced. Len had dark hair and blue eyes, like Alex, but his blue eyes were a lighter, brighter, happier color of sky-blue. He also had a stammer and a terminal blush.
    He came to sit down next to Anderson, and Anderson smiled encouragingly. Len excused himself abruptly to run to the bathroom and be sick from, as he explained through his stammer a few moments later, sheer nerves.
    Anderson made

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