A Slippery Slope
in front of me if you
didn’t want me to look at it. And now I’m a lech too, as well as a miserable
git – although how you could decide I’m a miserable git before you’d even met
me is baffling. I can’t believe Etienne told you that.’ He shot Etienne a
questioning look. ‘Did you?’
I’m not sure what’s going on here or why you’re both so cross, but I’d never
call you a miserable git, Josh. You’re not as laid back as you used to be and
you can be a bit of a perfectionist but–’
Josh butted in. ‘That’s good to know. No takers for membership of my fan club,
it seems.’ He scowled at Verity. ‘I gave you a job, didn’t I? How does that
make me a miserable git?’
doesn’t. But don’t make out you’ve done me a big favour. Jo told us you were really
grateful when I agreed to take her place. If that’s not the case, I can leave
right now. I don’t need to be here, you know. Nor does Lucy for that matter. We
can afford to stay in Meribel without working for Calder Chalets ,
believe me. Just say the word and we’ll go. And for your information, it was
your niece who said you were a miserable git, not me!’
Lucy finally intervened.
looked astonished. ‘Joanna? Jo told you I’m a miserable git? Well, so much for
being the loving uncle. That’s put me in my place. Although what the fuck I’ve
done to ... Sorry. That’s irrelevant.’ He ran a hand through his thick, dark
brown hair, shook his head and sighed loudly. ‘You can go or you can stay. At
this point in time, I really couldn’t give a damn. I’m going home. I’m
knackered. See you later, Etienne.’ He marched towards the door, stopped and
turned to face Lucy. ‘I’m glad I’ve finally met you, Lucy. Jo has told me a lot
about you over the years. And don’t worry, she said much nicer things about you
to me than she told you about me, it seems. I’d like you to stay but if you
want to leave, I’ll understand completely.’
cast Verity a pleading look but before she could reply, Josh Calder had gone.

    ‘Can someone
tell me what the fuck just happened?’ Etienne said, sounding utterly bemused.
shook her head. ‘I lost my temper and I’ve screwed up my daughter’s life ...
head shot round. ‘What do you mean “again”?’ She dashed to her mother’s side
and threw her arms around her. ‘You’ve done nothing but help me until now. I’m
... I’m not really sure what all that was about, but surely we can sort it out?
It’s ... it’s not like the thing with Dad. And that wasn’t your fault either.
That was his. Dad’s an idiot. And it hasn’t ruined my life, I can assure you.
How many times do I have to say that? It’s … not ... your … fault!’
... I think I’ll go and catch up with Josh,’ Etienne said. ‘Lucy’s right, this
can be sorted, I’m sure. I don’t know why he was so mad just now, or why Jo told
you he’s a miserable git, because he isn’t. He’s a great guy and he’s usually
very friendly. I expect he’s just jet-lagged. Yeah, he’s a perfectionist and he
likes things done a certain way, and he is far more serious than he used to be,
but there’s a reason for that which I won’t go into. You don’t really want to
leave, do you Verity?’
sighed and kissed Lucy’s cheek. ‘I don’t know, Etienne. We’ve only just arrived
so it would be stupid to turn around and go all the way home again. Besides, I
don’t really have a home to go to ... as such. I ... I’d like to see if I can
do this but ... well, to be honest, I’m not really sure what just happened
either. I can’t believe that he could get so cross just because he turned up
and found me still in bed at eleven o’ clock. It’s not as if any guests are
arriving until next week so I can’t see why it’s such a big deal.’
that what started this?’ Etienne asked. ‘Josh finding you in

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