A Real Disaster
“Don’t do
anything I wouldn’t do!”
    I ignored Sabrina’s comment and held
Turner’s arm tighter. I didn’t want him to think that I spent my time gossiping
about him.
    “Can I get you a drink?” Turner asked
when we finally stopped a bit of a ways from the crowd.
shimmed up on a rock, keeping my legs crossed and putting my jacket over my lap
to stop myself from flashing anyone.
    “Sure. Whatever you’re
    Turner squeezed my arm.
    “I’ll be right back,” he said and
disappeared into the crowd.
    I shifted on the rock, trying to relax,
as I looked at the scene in front of me. People were already drinking and
dancing even though no music was playing. I averted my eyes from a couple of
people grinding up against each other, the girl’s skirt riding up on her tanned
thighs. Any higher and she would be showing off everything. That was probably
her plan. She wanted to be noticed, no matter what it meant. She didn’t care
about what people said about her as long as they were talking about her.
    A twig snapped to the left of me and I
turned my head to see a guy sauntering up to me, a cocky grin covering his
    “Are you an angel because I’m sure I
just saw you falling from heaven.”
    You have got to be kidding me. Could he be any cornier?
    “I’m sorry, do
those lines actually work on girls?” I asked.
    The guy paused and then threw his head
back in a boisterous laugh.
    “Usually, except now.”
    “I’m so sorry that I have more than two
brain cells in my head,” I retorted. “Can I help you?”
    “I don’t know, can you?”
    Oh, I was dealing with a smart ass. This
was perfect. I looked around for Turner but didn’t see him emerging from any
part of the crowd.
    Come on Turner, come back already.
    “I’m Nash.”
    “And I should care because?” I said as I
stared at him.
    Was he seriously standing there and
bothering me with his lousy pick-up lines? Did I not make it clear enough that
I wanted nothing to do with him?
    “I’m the main singer in the band you
came to see.”
    “Good to know.”
    I looked Nash over. He was good looking,
I would give him that. He had a mop of black hair, the color that most couldn’t
pull off, but it complimented his green eyes and tanned skin that were covered
in tattoos. He wore a button down shirt, opened, and I could see the faint
outline of muscle tone. Against my will my body started to hum.
    Come on Lily.
    He’s sexy…
    He’s also incredibly dumb.
    His narrow waist disappeared behind
loose fitting jeans, ripped at the bottom, and his sneakered feet.
    “So…do you have a name?”
    “Of course I have a name…”
    Again Nash laughed but it wasn’t a
malicious laugh. It was a whimsical laugh that disappeared with the wind.
    “Okay, I’ll admit it. That was a stupid
question. It’s probably one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever asked.”
    He took another drink.
    “Well at least we’re in agreement about
that,” I said.
    This time I smiled at him, my cold
shoulder growing warmer by the minute. Nash shifted on his feet and ran a hand
through his hair. It bounced once and then lay back down exactly in the
position it started in.
    “So can I have your name?”
    “It’s Lily…”
    I opened my mouth to say more when I
finally spotted Turner. He carried two cups and was smiling as he walked
towards me. His smile abruptly disappeared when he saw Nash.
    “Nash,” Turner said.
    “Turner,” he replied. “Long time no see.
How are you doing buddy?”
    Turner stepped between Nash and me,
blocking him from my view.
    “Do you want to walk around a little? I
want to check everything out.”
    I wanted to ask Turner what exactly he
hoped to check out. It wasn’t as if things changed a lot, at least to him. From
what he told me, the concert was the same, year after year.
    But Turner’s face lost all its color and
his chin trembled just slightly. There was something between these two guys…
What had happened between

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