A Moment on the Lips (A Whistle Stop Romance, #3)
Whistle Stop, as they’d nicknamed themselves, would make her feel bad. In fact, it’d be just the opposite. Ana, Piper, Alexis, and their newest member, Ella, met at least once a week at Ana’s restaurant, the Green Chile Cantina. They commiserated, supported, and cheered on each other through good times and bad. Piper would be lost without them.
    Piper shrugged. “It’s my fault. I was being too cautious. I wanted to make sure everything was perfectly in order before I took the next step.”
    “Who could blame you? Expanding your business comes with a lot of risks.”
    Piper moved to the sink and rinsed out a dishcloth. She needed something to do with her hands. “But I waited too long. Is there something wrong with me that I can’t just rush blindly ahead, heedless of the risks?”
    Ana moved to her side and gave her arm a brief squeeze. “Trust me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
    “Then why is Joe already moved in next door and his renovation is well under way? The noise and the hammering goes on all day long.”
    “How are you getting along with your very cute, very single neighbor?”
    “We aren’t. Getting along, that is. It isn’t that we both haven’t tried. It’s just that—I don’t know—we get on each other’s nerves.”
    “Really?” Ana’s eyes lit up. “He gets to you, huh?”
    What was Ana implying? That she secretly liked the man? “You’re wrong. I would never be interested in such a stubborn man. He’s unwilling to listen to reason, and he has no interest in anyone else’s opinion.”
    Ana smiled. “Wow. You do have it bad for him.”
    “I do not.” Did she? She hardly knew the man. Besides, after David, she’d promised herself that she’d keep clear of men. Getting her heart and reputation trampled once was enough for her.
    “He is awfully good-looking. And, my, is he tall. You could wear high heels and still have to strain your neck to gaze into his eyes. Did you happen to notice what color they are?”
    “Light blue. Like the sky on a sunny day. I’ve never seen eyes that color. They’re very striking.”
    “I was right. You like him a lot, but you’re too stubborn to admit it.” Ana wore a smug smile. “Just think of staring into those dreamy eyes every day and night.”
    Piper started to wipe off the already-clean counter, needing to keep busy. “And yet another reason to stay clear of him. I don’t need neck strain to go with my aching feet and sore back from standing around here all day.”
    Piper stopped wiping down the counter and turned to her friend. “Drop it. I’m not in the market for romance. And if romance is so great, how come you’re still single?”
    Ana’s gaze lowered to the tiled floor. “Okay. I get your point. Sorry.”
    Piper sighed. She didn’t want to fight with Ana. They’d been friends too long to let any guy come between them, “Don’t worry about it. I know you only meant the best. I’m just not ready for a new guy in my life. I don’t know if I’ll ever be.”
    “David really screwed up. Just remember, it was his loss and your gain. He never deserved someone as amazing as you.”
    “You mean someone who gained back all of the weight I lost for the wedding and then some? Trust me, I’m no great catch.”
    “You’re beautiful. And someday you’ll find a guy who doesn’t want to change you the way David was always trying to do.”
    Her thoughts spiraled back to her first meeting with Joe. He’d said she was beautiful. Had he said that because he felt sorry for her? Or had he meant it? Not that she cared. They were neighbors, nothing more.
    Piper met Ana’s worried gaze. “Don’t worry. I’ll never give someone that much control again. I’m a new woman. I make my own rules.”
    The worry lines on Ana’s pretty face eased. “Go, you!”
    “Now if only those darn cupcakes weren’t so tempting.”
    “That’s because you make the best in the county, no, make that the state. I

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