A Little Taste of Poison

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Book: Read A Little Taste of Poison for Free Online
Authors: R. J. Anderson
“I’m sorry about this. I thought . . . well, hoped . . . we’d have Eryx by now.”
    It’s all right, Isaveth wanted to tell him, but the words stuck in her throat. Much as she didn’t blame Esmond for what had happened, nothing would be right until Eryx went to prison and her family was safe.
    â€œSo did I,” she said.

Chapter Four
    â€œV ETTIE!” MIMMI FLUNG her arms around Isaveth’s waist—then jumped back, bristling like a wet kitten. “Ugh, you’re freezing!”
    â€œSillyhead,” said Isaveth, ruffling her sister’s hair. She hung up her coat and bent to unlace her boots. “How was school?”
    â€œOh, never mind that! I want to hear all about the college!” She hopped onto the landing and hollered up the staircase, “Lilet! Vettie’s home!”
    Annagail appeared in the kitchen doorway, apron stained and wooden spoon in hand. “Don’t yell , Mimmi,” she pleaded as Lilet came tramping down from the bedroom, hugging her threadbare cardigan about her shoulders. They all looked at Isaveth expectantly.
    â€œAll right,” said Isaveth. “Let me warm up, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
    Papa was waiting at the kitchen table, big hands clasped around his mug of tea. He must have gotten home only a minute or two before she did: His cheeks were windburned, and ice pellets clung to his beard. It was hard work shoveling snow off wealthier folk’s drives and walkways, and his takings were so meager they barely paid half the rent—but it wasn’t her father’s way to sit idle when he could be doing, any more than it was Isaveth’s.
    Which was why she couldn’t tell him about Eryx’s relief plan, no matter how much she longed to. For weeks now Papa’s belief that the Lording had saved him from the gallows, and that he could count on Eryx to stand up for poor folk like himself, had kept him safely away from the illegal meetings of the Workers’ Club and the other banned political groups in the city. But if Papa knew the truth, he’d be outraged. He’d try to warn his fellow dissenters, maybe even urge them to revolt . . . and that would play right into Eryx Lording’s hands.
    She couldn’t tell her sisters, either. Annagail would only make herself sick with worrying, while Lilet would be just as furious and ready to fight as Papa. And Mimmi was far too young to hear such dark secrets, let alone keep them.
    So Isaveth sat down, put on her brightest smile, andtold her family what a wonderful day she’d had at the college. “Governor Buldage came down to welcome me personally,” she said. “And I start learning Sagery tomorrow.”
    â€œI want to try on your robe,” Mimmi said, grabbing Isaveth’s book bag and pulling it out. She draped it over her shoulders and spun around, making it ripple and swirl about her.
    Lilet rolled her eyes. “It’s a school robe, Mim, not a fairy dress. If you want to wear an oat sack over your clothes, I’m sure Annagail can make you one too.”
    â€œYou’re just jealous,” Mimmi told her primly, and went on twirling.
    Annagail had been listening in silence, absorbed with the potatoes she was chopping. Now she put down her knife and spoke. “I’m glad it went so well. Did you see . . . anyone we know?”
    By her cautious tone she meant Meggery, but Mimmi gaped like a baby bird. “Quiz! Was he there? Did you talk to him?”
    â€œOnly a little,” Isaveth said. “He’s a year ahead of me, so we don’t have any classes together.”
    â€œIs he coming back to see us? Did you ask if I can have his pedalcycle?”
    â€œEnough, Mirrim,” rumbled Papa, and Mimmi deflated. She folded up Isaveth’s robe and put it away.
    â€œI just miss him, that’s all,”she said in a small voice.
    â€œYou’re too

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