A Life Unplanned

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Book: Read A Life Unplanned for Free Online
Authors: Rose Von Barnsley
you just left. I'd walked out on so many women in my life, but that was the first time anyone had ever walked out on me."
    So his crappy foreplay that had felt more like a vaginal exam really had been a vaginal exam.
    He sighed. "I missed being there for Tyler. I was hoping to not miss out on this one."
    "But you have, you denied her."
    "It didn't look like you were lining up with the date of our consummation. You looked further along. If you were lying about this baby, then maybe I'd made a mistake, and you were lying about Tyler, too."
    "Thanks for calling me fat."
    He leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. "I know I fucked up." He leaned across the table. "I've been trying to figure out how to fix it. You're so damn stubborn."
    "No, I'm just protective of my family. I have a right to be. You can't just waltz in here and try and take my children from me."
    He took a deep breath. I was sure he was trying to calm himself. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then he smiled when he opened them. "Okay, I get why you'd think I'm trying to take your kids, but I'm not. I'm just trying to be a part of their lives. I want to be a dad. Don't you think, at some point, Tyler will notice everyone else has a daddy but him?"
    "He has my dad."
    "He's his grandpa, it's not the same."
    A man with a little girl came walking in with some food. She turned her puppy eyes on him, and he waved her off to go play with Tyler. I saw my son watch their interaction. I wondered how long it would take before he would start asking questions.
    I looked up at Trent to see his eyes fixed on my son. He was waving at him every few seconds, as Tyler climbed up the high tubes to the big slide. He usually didn't go down that one. It was too high for him. He went down the slide and popped out with a squeal. "Did it, did it, did it!"
    "Great job, Tyler!" I cheered.
    "Alright, big boy, look at you! Give me five!" Trent encouraged. I watched as he gave my son's hand a slap, and then Tyler jumped into his arms. Trent didn't expect it, but he quickly caught him in his arms. He hugged him tightly, and I could see his eyes shining with tears. He sniffled, and Tyler pulled back to see what was wrong. He put his little hand on Trent's cheek, showing his concern.
    "I'm alright, buddy. That was just the best hug I've ever had. You're the best hugger in the whole world, you know that, big boy?" he gave him a watery smile.
    Tyler seemed appeased and ran off to go play again. I looked over at Maylene to see if she had her eyes on Tyler, but she was looking at Trent with such emotion that it was killing me. She caught my gaze and then pointed at the play place and turned around, letting me know she would watch Tyler, while Trent and I talked.
    Trent was poking at some French fries. I could tell he was trying to think of something to say to me. He finally looked up at me. "You don't have to tell him who I am, just, please..."
    I let out a sigh of defeat. I had a feeling Maylene would be arranging more of these accidental meetings, until I gave in. It would be best if I took control of the situation myself, before things got out of hand. "Fine, I don't see why you can't tag along occasionally. I don't know how much experience you have with children, and I think you should have a warming-up period."
    I would swear he looked like he was going to pop like a balloon. He finally jumped up and hugged me, which was very unexpected. I did my best to not breathe in his cologne or even think of how good it felt to be in his arms. I couldn't let my loneliness distract me. My kids came first.
    When he sat down, he seemed to be thinking hard about something. I was surprised when he actually bit his lip. "Have you had an ultrasound? Of course you have, that's how you know she's a girl. What I meant to ask is…can I do one on you?"
    "Why, still don't believe she's yours?" I nearly growled.
    "No, I do wholeheartedly believe she's my daughter. That's why I regret missing her

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