question or he was forcing her to ask him. Either way, she couldn't help but smile.
“Between you and me, my lord, I've heard that some men do not seek out female attention. Instead they prefer only... male attention.” Ginny couldn't have said it any better, judging by the look on Clarendon's face.
Miles motioned to a bench under a tree in the garden. After Ginny sat down, he sat next to her, and considered his words carefully. “Whitmore came into his title early. His father died only a month after we left the university. While I was gallivanting across the Continent, he was busy learning the estate and caring for his mother and sister. Now, with his mother living with her brother and his sister married, he now has time to travel as he has always wanted. I assure you, Bethany, Whitmore is only interested in female attention.”
Wondering at her reaction, he was quite surprised when she said, “Good for him. He should take some time to do what he wants for once. I'm sure he has to deal with a lot. This holiday would be just the thing. I only wish that travel were an option for me.”
“Perhaps your husband will take you on your honeymoon. I have always wanted to go back, myself.”
Did he mean what she thought he meant? Well, at least it solved the mystery of who she was here to fall in love with. Now she had to figure out what the big “problem” they would have to face was. Solve the problem, get married, have incredible sex, and now maybe get to travel through Europe. The story is really shaping up , she thought.
“Whitmore is planning a soirée this Friday. I am hoping to encourage some dancing. Would you be kind enough to reserve a dance for me?”
“Of course,” Ginny said tentatively. She was scouring her brain, trying to see if she could dance or not. Bethany must know all the steps and hopefully Ginny wouldn't muck it up by thinking too much.
Her face must have been furrowed, because Miles said, “I promise to behave myself.”
What , she thought. “Oh, no, Miles. To be honest, I'm not the best dancer. I just don't want to embarrass myself. I would hate to see you humiliated by my bad showing.”
Looking into her eyes, lowering his voice although they were alone, he replied, “I cannot imagine ever being embarrassed by you, Miss... I mean, Bethany.”
His voice was like a caress. Ginny found herself staring at his eyes, those deep chocolate brown orbs. She couldn't help but lower her gaze to his mouth. She watched as the corners rose into a smile. Raising her eyes back up, she saw the gleam in his eyes. Apparently, Miles Clarendon, the Fifth Viscount Clarendon, now knew that Ginny was more than willing to kiss him, if given the proper chance.
Miles Clarendon was the type of man who used his position and his good looks to his advantage. When he told Miss Hamilton that his reputation was probably only ten percent of what people said, he hadn't been quite truthful. Although he was sure he wasn't nearly as bad as most of the gossip, he certainly wasn't an angel either. The truth was, he liked women. He liked them so much, he had endeavored to savor every type he could get his hands on.
Whitmore, on the other hand, had always been more subdued. When seeking out female attention, as Bethany had put it, he was extremely discreet. He knew of only a few of his paramours, one being a young widow of a former friend of theirs. He was honorable to an extreme, which is why Miles was so confused by his behavior towards the young Miss Hamilton.
Whitmore would not shower attention on a woman he did not intend to marry. Miles had little doubt he would consider it lacking in chivalry to get a girl's hopes up like that. As far as Miles could remember, Whitmore had never even danced with an unmarried girl, sticking strictly to married women or widows.
And so, it seemed to Miles that Whitmore might just be interested in Miss Hamilton after all. This was a conflict to their friendship since Bethany
Ann Major, Beverly Barton Anne Marie Winston
Piper Vaughn, M.J. O'Shea