A Fox's Family

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Book: Read A Fox's Family for Free Online
Authors: Brandon Varnell
Tags: Humor, Fiction
deal with it just like we’ve
dealt with every other problem that’s
come our way.”
eyes glanced up at her mate. Long strands of silky red glittered as
sunlight reflected off her hair, framing her face with sparkles that
enhanced her beauty beyond what mere eyes could see.
really have grown a lot more confident these past two weeks, haven’t
lips gently curved up into a warm, inviting smile.
cheeks darkened as he quickly turned his head, even if he already
knew that hiding his blush was impossible. “Y-yes,
well, I’m
trying to be, at least.”
arms slid around his neck and a lovely, alluring face came ever
closer as Lilian leaned up on her toes. Kevin was forced to look back
at the young woman when she placed a hand underneath his chin and
turned it.
like how confident you’ve
if they possessed a mind of their own, Kevin’s
hands settled on the curve of Lilian’s
hips. Even separated as they were by the fabric of her jeans, he
could feel the delightful and artistic curve of her waist.
face became a bastion of red, and his body twitched as if fighting
against the compulsion to run away. “R-really?”
arms around his neck drew him in closer. Lilian’s
breath hit his lips, and the delectable scent of mint and vanilla
caused his mind to grow fuzzy.
like it a lot.”
allowed Lilian’s
arms to pull him down, closer to her face. His eyes, just like hers,
began to flutter closed.
two really don’t
know the meaning of the word discretion, do you?”
apart like someone had struck them in the face with an overpowered
kitsune-bi, Kevin and Lilian looked to their left and right
did not know whether to be happy at seeing her friend, or angry at
the tomboy for ruining her and Kevin’s
a few feet away, Lindsay waved at the pair. Like most days, she had
chosen to wear clothing that suited her tomboyish nature. Her black
skinny jeans fit snugly on her hips, and the white T-shirt and jean
jacket combo reminded Kevin of the clothing he wore back when he was
12. Walking beside her was a silent Christine, whose expression Kevin
could not identify.
brightly at the girl in lolita clothing, Kevin greeted the Yuki-onna
the same way he alway did.
good morning. You look nice today.”
are you saying, idiot?!”
sputtered, her face steaming. She crossed her arms over her chest and
turned her head. “D-d-d-d-don’t
think th-that saying—that
being nice to me and giving me c-compliments and stuff w-will make me
forgive you!”
as always, Kevin had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
chuckled. Lilian was just thankful Christine was so tsundere. If the
goth girl actually acted nice and tried earnestly earning Kevin’s
affection, well, it wouldn’t
really changed anything, but it would have bothered her.
always amazes me to see how you can be so oblivious sometimes.”
stared at Lindsay like she’d
just told him that he had the power to control vectors. “Um,
my point.”
shook her head. “Oblivious
to the feelings of everyone except your girlfriend’s.”
somehow managed to look both embarrassed and confused.
observed her surroundings with an amused glance. Everywhere she
looked, men stared. Children, adults, teens, it didn’t
matter, all males stopped whatever they were doing when she walked
past them. A man pushing a cart full of luggage ran into a pillar,
while another standing with what appeared to be his significant other
began drooling. Even the man’s
girlfriend stared at her like she was the rarest delicacy on earth.
shook her head. These people, humans, were so pathetic. She wasn’t
even using her Call
of Ecstasy ,
and they were still

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