A Forbidden Love

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Book: Read A Forbidden Love for Free Online
Authors: Lorelei Moone
You see, Dad was convinced that every child is born innocent, and if introduced to the right sort of surroundings at an early age, they'd grow up exactly the same as any of us. Matthew was one of the first," Alison explained. "And my name isn't really Carter, it's Campbell."
    Alison tried to pull her hand back, but Jamie couldn't bear to let go. "But then your name isn't really Abbott either, is it?" Alison asked.
    "No. It's not. I didn't want anyone to look up my history when I joined the Alliance. Whatever happened in the past, it's none of their business." Jamie looked away and pinched the bridge of his nose to ward off another one of his persistent headaches. "Campbell... Any relation to-"
    "Lee Campbell. He's my dad," Alison interrupted.
    As huge as that revelation was, it didn't surprise him. They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
    "When I get back to the office in the morning, am I going to find him where I left him?" Jamie asked.
    Alison bit her lip, hard. "I haven't told anyone. I was supposed to, but I just couldn't. It doesn't make any sense."
    In a way, it made a lot of sense to Jamie. She hadn't been able to do her job and reveal the location of the Alliance building, just like Jamie knew he wouldn't be able to reveal Alison's real identity to anyone within the Alliance. He'd rather take a knife and slit his own throat than to betray her. That could only mean one thing...
    The more he thought about it, the more things fell into place, and it also explained why he hadn't been able to get her out of his head ever since that first meeting twenty years ago. They were fated. Back then he hadn't been able to shift yet, so he couldn't sense the connection as strongly as he did now, but his inner bear had seen her once and the memory had never left him alone. They were meant to be.
    "What do you know about us?" Jamie whispered and leaned across the table. It was difficult being so close to her, surrounded by her scent, without taking things further, but he didn't want his eagerness to startle her.
    "Only what I've been told. That you're half man, half animal. That human morality doesn't apply to you, only animal instinct."
    Jamie let out a chuckle. "That latter part isn't quite true, but all right."
    "Sometimes you turn into... a bear?" Alison asked, her eyes wide with either curiosity or apprehension. Perhaps a bit of both.
    "Yeah. A bear. Let me guess, you people watch Wolf as a documentary?" Jamie joked. "True, we feel certain instincts a lot more keenly than ordinary humans do, but we're not immoral or out of control. Well perhaps in
scenarios we like to let go a bit... If you get my drift. But we don't go around killing people indiscriminately."
    "It's hard to know what to believe. Most people don't even know you exist. I can't go to the library and do research, except in the horror section."
    "Fair point. But then that's because when people do find out about us they tend to pick up their torches and pitchforks..." Jamie grinned.
    Alison pulled away and folded her arms, scowling at him.
    Jamie regretted teasing her so much, but he couldn't help it. It had been the only thing he could think of to try to cheer her up. At least she'd stopped crying.
    "I'm sorry. It's just hard to know truth from fiction," Alison remarked.
    "I'm sorry too. I'm not being fair to you. You're taking all this very well, I must say." Jamie smiled at her, and felt his excitement surge to new levels when she reluctantly smiled back.
    "All this stuff you feel right now, there's a reason for it..." Jamie started. "I feel it too."
    "It's one of the main differences between us and humans, save for the turning into an animal bit. Our relationships work a bit differently than yours. When a bear finds his mate, they connect on a deep, almost subconscious level."
    "Is that what this is? Does it ever fade?" Alison's eyes widened and Jamie was once again shocked at how green they were.
    "Bears mate for life," Jamie

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