A Dragonlings' Haunted Halloween: Dragonlings of Valdier
everything. The men are trying to figure out how the roller coaster
ride works. We’ve been watching and listening to them for the past
ten minutes.”
    “Do you think the kids will be alright down
there?” Emma asked as she stepped closer to watch the video. She
set Alice down onto the chair in front of the monitors when she
started wiggling.
    “Da,” Alice exclaimed in excitement,
pointing to Ha’ven as he climbed into the second car. “Da, Mama,
    “Yes, sweetheart, that’s Da,” Emma replied
with a smile.
    “Emma, can you dress the rest of us up?”
Abby asked after Cara explained what she had done. “I mean, if it
isn’t too much on you.”
    “Not at all,” Emma replied. “I actually feel
better as the energy surrounds me. Ha’ven has been showing me how
to harness it. It isn’t really magic, at least not magic like we
think of it. It is harnessing the energy that is everywhere and
pulling it to form something new. I don’t understand all the
physics of it, but I love creating things.”
    “Well, sister, create away,” Ariel replied
with a grin. “I want to be a big Grombot. I plan on scaring one big
    “I want to be a zombie biker babe,” Carmen
announced. She shrugged when Ariel rolled her eyes. “What? I can
make a zombie look good in leather!”
    “I want to be an Indian maiden,” Trisha
murmured with a blush. “I loved the idea of being Princess Tiger
Lily and helping the Lost Boys.”
    “Abby, what are you going as?” Carmen asked
when she realized that Abby was the only one not dressed in a
    “I want to be a dragon,” Abby answered with
a smile. “I love being in my dragon form… and so does Zoran.”
    Groans filled the room. “If the ride starts
to rockin’, don’t go a-knockin’, if Zoran and Abby get on it
together,” Cara crowed in delight.
    “Okay, here goes,” Emma laughed. “Abby,
you’re on your own.”
    Within minutes, all the women except Abby,
who was going to wait until she was down in the cavern, were
dressed up in their costumes. Giggles erupted as Riley slipped on
her pink, rhinestone bed sheet and twirled. Emma replaced Riley’s
slippers with a pair of matching pink boots. Turning back to Alice,
she gave a cry of dismay when she realized her daughter was gone
from the chair.
    “Alice!” Emma whispered in a frantic voice.
“Alice, come to Mommy.”
    “Look, there she is!” Carmen said, pointing
to the screen.
    “Oh Alice,” Emma laughed as she turned
toward the door. “She wants her Da.”
    The other women watched as Alice scooted
down the steps, one at a time, the tiny broom still clutched in her
hand. The men didn’t see her because they were seated in the roller
    Cara grinned as she watched Trelon turn
around. Pressing the button on the master control, she started the
ride. A giggle escaped her as she watched her mate’s face for a
moment before she hit the lights.
    “Let’s go have some fun,” she said,
adjusting the patch over her eye. “Me thinks some men need to walk
the plank.”

Chapter 7
    Arilla, look! Arosa whispered as she
floated above the men. I want to ride on it.
    What does it do ? Arilla asked as she
gazed in excitement at all the colorful displays. There are the
Dragonlings. I want to go play with them.
    You go to them. I want to ride on the
moving transport. I’ve been watching Cara. It looks like so much
fun. Especially when it goes up to the ceiling and back down very
fast, Arosa replied.
    Go have fun on your ride, Arilla said
with a wave of her hand. I’m going down to see what the
Dragonlings are doing. They are trying to catch something it looks
    Arosa nodded, turning back to where the men
sat trying to get the machine to work. She knew the women were
there. She had seen them up in the area where all the controls were
for the playground.
    Dissolving into a fine mist, she moved
swiftly down to the cart as it began to move. Just before she
reached it, the cavern was

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