A Devil's Touch
quivered. It was a reflexive reaction that he immediately responded to. As if sensing her qualms, he leaned his entire body over hers, running his hands slowly up her sides, touching, caressing, smoothing. Soothing. He took her mouth again while his hands, big, warm, and strong palmed her buttocks. "Remember, my love. Only pleasure."
    His warm weight lifted only for a moment. She stole another glance behind to the most decadent sight of Ludovic on his knees stroking himself. Glistening with oil, his magnificent cock stood at full attention. The vision alone made every fiber of her thrum with raw want.
    And then he was blissfully there …sliding himself with agonizingly slow strokes within her folds while making her body quiver and her inner walls convulsively contract with the need to be filled. His torturous teasing was at once wonderful and madding…and his smug expression told her he knew precisely what he was about. Unable to resist the overwhelming urge, she squirmed her backside into him with an impatient sound.
    "No, not yet," he reprimanded. "I'll give you what you want only after I have what I want. Now close your eyes and breathe slowly." He continued the delicious movement of his shaft while his oil-slickened fingers traced the cleft of her buttocks.
    "Please. Don't," she begged, her apprehension returning in a crushing wave.
    "Relax, my pet. I would never hurt you."
    "I know that," she said, sounding uncertain even to herself.
    "Do you?" he asked.
    "I don't know, Luvovic. I'm afraid."
    "Trust, Diana," he murmured, repeating lowly, "Only pleasure." He punctuated this by guiding his erection into her passage, stretching her as he eased inside, bringing such wondrous fullness, such sweet relief, that she wanted to cry out. He rocked his pelvis against her in a slow and rhythmic motion, moving inside her the same way his fingers continued their play—gently but persistently caressing and circling.
    And he was right. He promised her only pleasure, and her body thrummed with it. Lost to sense of time and place, her mind blurred as his movements grew more forceful and the pressure of his probing fingers became more insistent.…until finally penetrating her forbidden entrance. Awareness broke through the fog of her lust like shards of broken glass. She gasped, tensing beneath and around him. "I can't," she whimpered.
    "You must relax, Diana," he said. "Relax your mind and open your body to me. Please," he insisted. We cannot go on unless you trust me implicitly. I must know that there are no limits to that trust. I need youto let me love you this way."
    Even as Diana trembled, understanding dawned. To Ludovic, this was the supreme moment of truth. I need you to let me love you this way .
    Could she find it within herself to squelch her trepidation? Or would she risk all by her reticence, by holding on to unfounded fears?
    He could feel the tension roiling within her and knew he had pushed her too hard. Yet it made him ache with dismay that she could not find the strength to put her trust in him, to bury the past for good.
    He withdrew from her with a sigh of regret. "I'm sorry, Diana. I am a bastard to have put your faith to trial at a time like this. I was angry and resentful, but that's no excuse for pushing you so hard."
    "No. Don't be sorry," she cried, pulling herself up to face him. "But you were right and I don't want this night to end this way."
    "And how is that?" he asked.
    "With frustration and disappointment. I can read it all on your face."
    And he could just as easily read hers—her widened gaze, the slight quiver of her lips clearly bespoke her trepidation, her vulnerability, her need of his reassurance.
    He pulled her into his embrace with a groan, caressing her back, plying soft kisses to her hair, then her brow, her eyes, and all over her lovely face. "I can't bear to hear your suspicions, Diana. Not knowing how much you still hold back from me when all I am is yours."
    Her solemn gaze met his.

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