A Debt Paid

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Book: Read A Debt Paid for Free Online
Authors: Joslyn Black

everything else that happened she forgot to
ask how or when. She needed to leave. She
needed to start her car up and go home,
take a long hot shower, and try to absorb
everything that went on this morning. She
was also going to have to take another
vacation day. After all, there was a wedding
planner to meet tomorrow.
    Calix watched Anya walk out of his
office. He didn’t mean to take her the way
he had. Well, he did, but that was when he
thought she was experienced. He’d wanted
a taste of her before their wedding. After
waiting so long, he wanted her to see that
she would enjoy being with him. When
Calix found that she was a virgin, he’d
intended to leave her alone till their
wedding night, but when the reality of her
terms and feelings about him hit him, he
snapped and wanted to hurt her for not
wanting him.
    When he had come inside her tight,
warm, wet channel, it was the most
pleasurable feeling he’d ever had in his life.
But, when he saw her virgin’s blood on
himself, he realized what he had just done
and hated himself for taking her out of
anger. She deserved to be romanced with
flowers and candles, not bent over a hard,
cold desk. Calix didn’t understand it; he had
never cared about a woman’s feelings
before, but with her, he wanted her to want
him as badly as he wanted her, and the fact
that she didn’t want him at all got under his
skin in a way that made him want to rip it
    He decided then and there that he
would make it up to her on their wedding
night. Whether he could wait till their
wedding night to have her again, he wasn’t
completely sure. Calix’s body grew hard
again just thinking of the next time he’d
take her. He tried shifting his thoughts to
other things to lessen his arousal and
began to check things off in his head; Bride
check, date check, wedding planner check,
pre-nup check, rings, rings? He’d forgotten
to get the rings. Not a problem, though,
he’d leave early to shop and give her the
ring at dinner tonight in front of her
parents. Perfect plan.
    As Anya undressed for her shower,
she felt too drained to stand, so she opted
for a bath instead. She felt a slight sting
between her legs for a brief moment as she
eased herself into the water. After the
initial sting, the warm water felt heavenly.
She closed her eyes and tried to empty her
mind. She didn’t want to think over this
morning’s events any more. She just ended
up more confused when she did. Anya
ended up staying in the bath till the water
got cold and her fingers were pruney. Once
she was out of the tub, still feeling
unbelievably tired, she decided that since
she had the day off and dinner was hours
away she would enjoy a little nap.
    As he started to straighten up his
desk to prepare to leave, Calix buzzed his
“Yes, Mr. Anastas.”
    “Cancel and reschedule all my
appointments for the rest of the day. I need
to go buy my fiancé a ring.” His voice was
rather exuberant, and he liked the sound of
‘his fiancé’, and soon it would be his wife.
Completely his, untouched by any other
man, she was his and his alone.
    “Congratulations, Mr. Anastas. Is it
the beautiful woman who was in earlier,
Miss Richards?”
    “Yes.” He smiled as he stood up to
pack the pre-nup and other papers he
would drop of at his attorney’s before he
went ring shopping.
    Entering the jewelry store, he was
immediately pounced upon by two sales
clerks. These people could smell money,
like a shark could smell blood. The female
salesclerk, wearing a simple black dress
with a delicate string of pearls, addressed
him first.
    “Good afternoon, sir. My name is
Monica. Are you looking for something in
particular today?” she asked with a
pleasant smile.
“Yes, I need an engagement ring and
two wedding bands.”
    This time it was the gentleman in
the grey suit that spoke. “Congratulations,
sir. My name is Sean. We have a lovely
selection of bridal rings over here.” He

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