A Beautiful Fate

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Book: Read A Beautiful Fate for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
Tags: Drama, Suspense, Romance, sexy, new adult, love, book series, thrills
    “And nothing, that’s it.”
    “Oh, Ava please; it sounds like he likes you. Is he hot?”
    “He is hot, actually, but I don’t like him like that.”
    “Bummer, are there any other guys?”
    “Of course, Mia; I live in a co-ed dorm.”
    “Whatever, Ava; you know what I mean.”
    “I dunno… there is one guy, he lives right next door. He is absolutely gorgeous...and nice, too.” I whispered into the phone, remembering the thin wall Ari and I shared.
    Mia squealed, which is rare for her. “Details! Now!”
    “I just gave you details. That’s it. He could have any girl he wanted. I’m me, so there’s no chance in hell he’ll give me a second thought.”
    “Ava,” Mia sighed, “you don’t see yourself clearly. You are drop-dead gorgeous and the most intelligent person I have ever met. Honestly, you are probably too good for him.”
    “So what about you?” I said, changing the subject. “Any new guys in your life?” This question could keep Mia busy for hours.
    “Well, yes, actually there is. Oh, my gosh, Ava, he is so perfect. His name is Jack; he is super cute and funny. We’re just texting right now but I think it may go somewhere. He’s friends with a guy I work with, but he came in one night just to see me!”
    “Aw, Mia that’s great. I am happy to hear it.”
    “Thanks! I haven’t told you my good news yet.”
    “You mean Jack isn’t your good news?”
    “Not this time! My mom got me a plane ticket for my birthday to come see you!”
    I actually screamed in to the phone. “No way!”
    “Way! Figure out a good weekend and let me know. Mom says I can miss only one day of school, so make it count.”
    I was smiling into the phone. This was the best news I had had in weeks. Mia hung up to attend to a new flirty text from Jack that needed her full concentration and I had studying to do. But the good news stayed with me, front and center in my brain.
    On Thursday night, I headed back to the dorm later than usual from the library. When I got off the elevator, I found the commons was packed full of people and music was blaring from the speakers. Emily bounced up to me and linked her arm through mine. “Where have you been? It’s Thursday! Remember our party?” I unhooked my arm from hers and took a step back.
    I had completely forgotten that our floor partied on Thursday nights. I didn’t really care about the parties, but they would help keep me pre-occupied. I apologized to Emily and promised that I would be out as soon as I took a shower and changed. One quick glance at the people already in the commons had told me my jeans and shirt wouldn’t cut it. I took a fast shower and opted for one of Margaux’s more casual, shorter dresses – navy with a little white bird print. The dress was perfect with my favorite pair of flats. I spent a little more time than usual putting on makeup and then finally came back out of my room.
    Emily was talking with some of the girls from the floor; I walked over to join them. They were planning a group-shopping trip to Los Angeles for Friday and since I had no homework and no home to go to, I agreed to tag along. One of Margaux’s largest stores is in L.A. and she had told me I was welcome to go there any time to shop with her. I sent her a quick text letting her know I would be in on Friday with friends. She actually texted me back staying that would be great. Every time Margaux had come to Chicago, she had insisted on taking Mia and me to baio for a girls’ day out. I always suspected she planned the girls’ day because she really likes Mia. Mia worships Margaux’s every move, and if there is one thing Margaux loves, it is flattery.
    The party was picking up. I tried as hard as I could not to care about Ari. I refrained as long as humanly possible from looking around the room for him. As soon as the shopping plans had been made and our conversation died down, I allowed myself one quick glance around the room. I saw him right away leaning

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