2084 The End of Days

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Book: Read 2084 The End of Days for Free Online
Authors: Derek Beaugarde
to toss the pen back as he growled at Ari.
    “For God’s sake, Ari, I don’t want to hear that we’re 95% of the way on this thing! We need to be 110% screwed down or these NASA guys’ll toast us. Know what I’m saying?”
    Ari gulped and thought, not again. Goldenheim had gone through the roof with him last week when he had read Ari’s email ‘to all concerned’ regarding the 2 minutes and 11 seconds of wasted footage sent back from the Nimrod. He had threatened to get Ari’s National Service papers sent through from the Israeli Army HQ in Jerusalem if there were any more screw ups. Ari swallowed nervously again.
    “Yes, Yosep.”
    Yosep Goldenheim raved on as one of the girls in the room tossed him back his pen and Ari could feel the suppression of sniggers from the others at the meeting. Goldenheim pressed on with the agenda.
    “We’ve got 9 days till the Yanks get here from Houston and we need to be on the ball with this whole Nimrod presentation. Budgets, project plan, timelines, the whole deal. We’ve got to be right on the money with this one. Are we clear on that?”
    Ari and Jerzy both nodded. Ari spoke on. He was trying to sound as confident as possible, but the sweat trickles on his brow betrayed his confidence.
    “I – we, my team and I - plan to have the draft presentation finalised by the 4 th and we’ve scheduled in a run through with you on the, eh, 6 th . I guarantee you that it will be 110% specked by then. So, hopefully, we’ll just be discussing tidy ups round the edges for the actual meeting with the NASA boys on the 9 th . How does that sound, Yosep?”
    Goldenheim replied as he exaggeratedly looked at his wristwatch and then he made his pitch.
    “Not bad. But here’s the deal. I’m putting money on it that the Director’s going to tell me in about 25 – 30 minutes time that we are going to have to trim the 2082 SH2 budget by another 5 to 6%. You are going to have to build options into the presentation to the Yanks next week for savings to that effect.”
    Strike one. Ari was angry at this bombshell curve ball and he blasted back at his boss.
    “Aw, come on, Yosep! We’ve been at this thing for weeks now. It’s unrealistic to trim the budget by up to 6% and have those figures ready for next week’s meeting with the Yanks. I don’t think we can do it. What do you think Jerzy?”
    Unfortunately for Ari, Jerzy only managed a half-hearted shrug before Goldenheim fired back with his next wildly swinging pitch.
    “Look here, Schenkler! Maybe if you hadn’t screwed up the Nimrod’s positioning the other week – then - just maybe - we wouldn’t be looking at a 5 – 6% cut in the first place!”
    Strike two. All eyes were fixed on Ari and he flushed with anger.
    “That’s not fair, Yosep. You know fine well that error, for which I have already apologized to you in person, did not represent anything like a 6% overshoot on the SH2 budget. There are good reasons for the overspending - “
    “Good reasons, my ass, Ari. There has been a sloppiness that has crept into the SH2 project over the last fiscal year and it needs to be sharpened up. I want those 5 and 6% options built into the draft presentation for next week.”
    Ari stepped up to the plate for his last swing at the bat.
    “You want those 5 and 6% options, Yosep? I thought you said it was the Director who was expected to request the options?”
    Strike three. Goldenheim blew a gasket, but in a controlled wave of anger through gritted teeth.
    “Look, Schenkler, just get the job done as I ask or go and pick up your army papers. It’s up to you?”
    Ari just nodded numbly and sat bowed. He was hardly listening as his boss carried on with the meeting.
    “Right, everyone, that took a bit longer than I had hoped so let’s get back to the agenda. Okay, next up is staffing levels. In the last month our headcount has dropped by three. Joachim Levy has retired early on health grounds and I’m sure we all wish him well. Aaron

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