20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

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Book: Read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for Free Online
Authors: Jules Verne
Tags: Retail, Personal
yard above the waves. Its tail, violently agitated, produced a considerable eddy. Never did a tail beat the sea with such violence. An immense track, of dazzling whiteness, marked the passage of the animal, and described a long curve.
    The frigate approached the cetacean. I examined it thoroughly.
    The reports of the Shannon and of the Helvetia had rather exaggerated its size, and I estimated its length at only two hundred and fifty feet. As to its dimensions, I could only conjecture them to be admirably proportioned. While I watched this phenomenon, two jets of steam and water were ejected from its vents, and rose to the height of 120 feet; thus I ascertained its way of breathing. I concluded definitely that it belonged to the vertebrate branch, class mammalia:

    The crew waited impatiently for their chief’s orders. The latter, after having observed the animal attentively, called the engineer. The engineer ran to him.
    “Sir,” said the commander, “you have steam up?”
    “Yes, sir,” answered the engineer.
    “Well, make up your fires and put on all steam.”
    Three hurrahs greeted this order. The time for the struggle had arrived. Some moments after, the two funnels of the frigate vomited torrents of black smoke, and the bridge quaked under the trembling of the boilers.
    The Abraham Lincoln, propelled by her wonderful screw, went straight at the animal. The latter allowed it to come within half a cable’s length; then, as if disdaining to dive, it took a little turn, and stopped a short distance off.
    This pursuit lasted nearly three-quarters of an hour, without the frigate gaining two yards on the cetacean. It was quite evident that at that rate we should never come up with it.
    “Well, Mr. Land,” asked the captain, “do you advise me to put the boats out to sea?”
    “No, sir,” replied Ned Land; ‘because we shall not take that beast easily.”
    “What shall we do then?”
    “Put on more steam if you can, sir. With your leave, I mean to post myself under the bowsprit, and, if we get within harpooning distance, I shall throw my harpoon.”
    “Go, Ned,” said the captain. “Engineer, put on more pressure.”
    Ned Land went to his post. The fires were increased, the screw revolved forty-three times a minute, and the steam poured out of the valves. We heaved the log, and calculated that the Abraham Lincoln was going at the rate of 18 1/2 miles an hour.
    But the accursed animal swam at the same speed.
    For a whole hour the frigate kept up this pace, without gaining six feet. It was humiliating for one of the swiftest sailers in the American navy. A stubborn anger seized the crew; the sailors abused the monster, who, as before, disdained
to answer them; the captain no longer contented himself with twisting his beard—he gnawed it.
    The engineer was called again.
    “You have turned full steam on?”
    “Yes, sir,” replied the engineer.
    The speed of the Abraham Lincoln increased. Its masts trembled down to their stepping holes, and the clouds of smoke could hardly find way out of the narrow funnels.
    They heaved the log a second time.
    “Well?” asked the captain of the man at the wheel.
    “Nineteen miles and three-tenths, sir.”
    “Clap on more steam.”
    The engineer obeyed. The manometer showed ten degrees. But the cetacean grew warm itself, no doubt; for without straining itself, it made 19miles.
    What a pursuit! No, I cannot describe the emotion that vibrated through me. Ned Land kept his post, harpoon in hand. Several times the animal let us gain upon it.—“We shall catch it! we shall catch it!” cried the Canadian. But just as he was going to strike, the cetacean stole away with a rapidity that could not be estimated at less then thirty miles an hour, and even during our maximum of speed, it bullied the frigate, going round and round it. A cry of fury broke from everyone!
    At noon we were no further advanced than at eight o’clock in the morning.
    The captain then decided to take more

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