2 A Haunting In Oregon

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Book: Read 2 A Haunting In Oregon for Free Online
Authors: Michael Richan
recharger in the next room, the flicker of the pilot light under a nearby water
heater. They cast just enough light that after several minutes he could make
out the outline of Roy sitting in the chair just a few feet away.
    As Roy’s head started to lower to
his chest, Steven entered the flow so that he would have a better view of what
was going on around them. The room was suddenly much brighter. Steven turned to
scan the room and was startled by a large man stumbling toward him. He was
shirtless, and it looked as though pieces of his body had been hacked with a
knife or large blade. His eyes were glazed over, and his mouth hung open. His
teeth were rotten and green. Steven moved out of the way as the man passed by
him. The man had defecated in his pants, and was streaming a trail of blood,
feces and urine behind him. He stumbled another ten feet and then passed
through a wall, out of sight.
    Steven turned to look at Roy. He
was talking to a young girl, maybe nine or ten years old. She had chains on her
wrists and ankles that descended into the cement floor, secured somewhere
beyond it, but she could clearly move around. Her dress looked like something
from the 1960’s, a short skirt and a striped top, and her hair was cut into a
bob. Every now and again one of her chains would tighten, and she would become
irritated and tug on it until it loosened up.
    The large man emerged from the
wall he had disappeared behind. This time he was dragging an axe behind him. He
seemed to be walking directly at Steven. Steven knew that he was just walking a
pattern that he endlessly walked, but the sight of it coming directly at him
unnerved him greatly. He moved several paces to the right assuming the man
would continue along his original trajectory, but the man changed direction to
point directly at him again. Now he was concerned. Roy was seated about five
feet away. He didn’t want to disrupt Roy in his trance, and Roy didn’t appear
in danger, but the large man was now several paces from Steven and he was
beginning to wonder how he was going to avoid him. He drifted several steps
back to the left, and the man changed direction again. Steven was convinced
that he was aware of him, and targeting him. He was now within a couple steps.
The large man’s glazed eyes cleared, and Steven saw the pupils focus on him.
Then he raised the axe, and smiled, exposing his rotten teeth.
    Scared and not knowing exactly what
to do, Steven exited the flow, and as he felt the pain rise from his neck and
into his scalp, he felt a breeze blow against his face and then swirl around
his back, as though something had passed around or through him. Roy was still
seated, his head thrown back. Steven decided to stay out of the flow for now.
Not seeing the disturbing images the basement contained was fine with him.
    After another five minutes, Roy
seemed to straighten up and reached up to remove the blindfold. Steven clicked
the flashlight on, shining it on the floor between them. He couldn’t resist
looking at the wall where the ax man had disappeared and then reemerged.
    “I think we’d better go talk to
Pete,” Roy said standing up, “and then go back to our rooms and try to sleep. We’ve
got more work to do and we’re going to be up all night.”
    They walked back through several
rooms and finally found the staircase. Steven followed Roy shining the light
ahead for him. He was always a little worried about Roy right after he emerged
from trances. Several times in the past he had been lightheaded and lost his
balance. Once, he passed out. Roy seemed strong and determined though, and
marched up the staircase without any hesitation.
    Pete met them at the door, clearly
excited to hear about the results. “How did it go?”
    “Where can we talk,” Roy said to
him, “privately?”
    Pete led them down a hallway that
made several turns. It finally ended at a door that Pete unlocked with his key,
and he held the door open for them to enter. Steven

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