101 Things to Do With a Vibrator

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Book: Read 101 Things to Do With a Vibrator for Free Online
Authors: Marisa Bennett
Tags: Self-Help, Health & Fitness, Sexual Instruction, Sexuality
place. Start up your game and have your partner ask the first question! The penalty for one wrong answer is a short jolt, but if you keep getting the wrong answer, the penalty increases by one second for every question you’ve gotten wrong. For the last round, kick it up to the next level! Set the vibe to a low buzz to begin with. Then, as you go through the round, every time you get a question wrong, the vibe’s intensity is turned up another notch. The distracting sensations make it harder to answer correctly, so you have to pay attention!
    If you have more than one remote-controlled vibe, you can make this a head-to-head contest! You can follow the same rules as the Vibrator Races game, and let whoever holds out longest choose how he or she wants to finish the night!

    The Counting Game
    This is another game where you have to try and keep your concentration while your partner does their best to distract you! You can make this game as easy or as hard as you like. For the easy rules, you just have to count, slowly, as your partner stimulates you with a vibrator. If you miss a number, your partner gets to up the intensity of the toy and you start all over. You can simply count as your partner plays, or you can set the game up so that your partner continually pulses the vibe, and you count the pulses as he goes. He can try to make you slip up by changing his rhythm and speeding up or going very slow. If you like math and want to make this game harder, count up by twos, threes, or whatever integer you think is challenging enough for you. The game is over when you get to 100, or when you come. Then you can switch places for round two!

    Door Number One
    Do you have so many toys you don’t know which to play with? Here’s a hot game to make it easy. Get a piece of paper and make two lists numbered one through six. Assign a body part to each number, and then assign a different toy from your arsenal for the other set of six. If you have fewer than six toys you can double up or get creative, like listing hands and mouth as other “toy” options. If you have more than six toys, you’ll have to choose your favorites, or use additional dice! Once you’re ready, take turns playing the game. Roll the dice first to see which toy you use, then again to see where you get to use it! You can set a timer if you want to play for a while before moving to the next round, where your partner gets to try his luck! Or you can up the ante and make a round last until you come before you’re allowed to switch!

    Vibrator Merry-Go-Round
    This game’s a fun one for couples with a good collection of toys! Tired of always using the same tool to get the job done? Why not take a whirlwind tour through all of your favorite toys, even the ones you haven’t dug out in a while! The point of this game is to try everything once. Line up your toys, and then pick a word to use when you change rounds (I like to use the word “change!”). This game is a lot like the “timing” game in this section, except instead of switching places when the timer goes, you decide when you want to move on. Start with one person laying on the bed while the other partner pleasures them with one of the toys: the partner doing the pleasing gets to pick. When the partner on the bed has had enough, he or she says “change!” the partners trade places, and the person in charge gets to pick a new toy to tease their partner with. If you can make it all the way through, you both get to pick which toy to use to finish off your tryst: if only one partner lasts the whole game, he or she gets to pick unilaterally.

    Inside Reading
    Reading sexy stories by yourself is hot. Reading sexy stories with a partner brings another kind of bliss. It isn’t until you read these steamy tales while someone wields a vibrator that you have reached Nirvana. Choose an excerpt or a short erotica story neither of you have read that you know will get you both going. Start reading slowly,

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