[05] Elite: Reclamation
owner of the voice. Steel grey eyes stared back at her.
    Senator Algreb Loren was still an imposing figure. Age had robbed him of some of his strength, but his stature and bearing were as intimidating as always. His face was lined and careworn, his eyes dark under heavy eyebrows. His expression was as inscrutable as it had ever been.
    ‘You remain a disappointment to me, my gloomily haired daughter,’ Algreb’s voice was indifferent and unconcerned. ‘I fear Chancellor T’Clow Guntat is less than enamoured with you. He claims that he fears an impure bloodline given your deformity ...’
    The woman unconsciously ran her hand through her dark hair; it was in sharp contrast to Algreb’s platinum blonde locks.
    ‘Yet your lack of charm and grace are doubtless the real reasons for declining the match. Your worth is less with each suitor we try. Fortunately I have other daughters …’
    ‘My impression of him is even less flattering,’ the woman replied, her voice sharp. ‘Would you like to hear it?’
    ‘Your impressions of are no concern to me whatsoever, Kahina,’ Algreb continued, his voice still monotonic. ‘You have but a single purpose, to fulfil your duty in promoting the interests of the lineage by an appropriate match.’
    ‘Find a match for me then.’ Kahina’s voice was insolent and challenging, her own gaze unflinching. ‘All you’ve found so far are fools, lackeys and inbred idiots.’
    ‘The cream of Imperial families we’d do well to associate ourselves with ...’
    Kahina shook her head. ‘My description is more accurate.’
    ‘Must I punish you once more?’ the Senator’s eyes flashed angrily. ‘Compliance is all I seek. Would that you had a use like your amiable sisters. They understand their place.’
    ‘Punish me all you like,’ Kahina replied, unable to repress a shiver. ‘It won’t work. You won’t change me.’
    ‘That remains to be seen. I will consider the matter. Perhaps there is still some minor contribution you can make to our advancement. In the meantime, take this to Corine. She will succeed with T’Clow Guntat where you have failed.’
    Senator Algreb handed out a commtab. Kahina snatched it from his hand.
    ‘Thank you for the privilege of carrying your messages,’ she said flatly. ‘The opportunity to serve gives me much honour.’
    Algreb bristled, but Kahina’s words gave him no excuse to retort.
    ‘You will leave,’ he replied. ‘Your very presence distresses me.’
    ‘Your pleasure and mine, pater,’ Kahina replied.
    She curtseyed once more and turned smartly on her heel. Her finely wrought shoes clicked loudly on the marble flagstones of the hall as she walked away. She turned at the threshold, looking back and catching her father’s eye.
    Algreb waited for the customary and required nod of respect.
    Kahina’s eyes narrowed and she whirled on her feet, walking away as the doors to the hall were closed by the guards.
    Algreb’s fists clenched. He initiated a holofac call. A tall bald man appeared before him, turning around to face him and then bowing immediately. The hologram flickered for a moment before stabilising.
    ‘Senator, a pleasure, how might I serve?’
    ‘Patron Dalk, I have a task for you. My daughter Kahina is sick once more.’
    Dalk’s eyes narrowed briefly. ‘I’m sorry to hear that, Senator.’
    ‘She needs … treatment. I’m sure you understand.’
    ‘Indeed, Senator. I will be there as soon as I can.’
    Algreb nodded and closed the link, settling back in his plush chair, surveying the hall with a satisfied sigh.
    The maid ducked as a further piece of crockery smashed into the wall beside her. She stepped neatly to the side and waited patiently. The broken pieces tumbled to the floor, joining several more that were already lying there.
    ‘I said cream drapes, not tan drapes!’ a high pitched voice yelled from across the room. It was accompanied by a fierce glare and a flick of long blonde hair.
    ‘Do I have

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