Wax Museum: An Erotic Short Story

Read Wax Museum: An Erotic Short Story for Free Online

Book: Read Wax Museum: An Erotic Short Story for Free Online
Authors: Lexie Lashe
Sandra said. “Too bad they don’t make men
like you in real life.”
began to walk away, but something stopped her. She turned to him once more.
Then, reaching out, she moved to touch his cock. Something compelled her to
want to feel it. She pressed her palm more firmly against him, running her
fingers up and down the hard length. For wax it felt really nice, warm and so
lifelike. Her sex wetted with cream. Her nipples tingled.
a hand grasped her wrist and pulled her toward the display. She let loose a
scream of surprise as she tumbled to the waxy ground. With a hard thud, her
face slammed into dirt.
a gruff voice said.
in confusion, she tried to get her bearings as she pushed up. The air was sweet
and a cool breeze hit the back of her head. The trees moved. Terrified, she
turned to get out of the display, but the museum was gone. In its place was
more forest.
happening?” she asked, her voice shaking almost as badly as her limbs.
the voice said again. The lumberjack was moving, talking.
set this up,” she said, voicing the only explanation she could think of. “That
lumberjack made a move toward her, stalking her like his prey. She lifted her
hand to stop the hallucination. Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her fingers
to his very aroused cock. A low moan sounded and he began undoing his belt with
one hand as he kept her fingers to him with the other. For a moment, she was
too stunned to protest. Despite herself, she felt a shock of awareness in her
pussy. Cream gathered between her thighs, dampening her panties so they clung
to her sex.
looked around the forest. A bird squawked. Bugs chirped. Feeling heat, she
turned her attention back to the man. He had pulled her hand down the front of
his opened pants, forcing her to massage his cock.
jerked away from him. The feel of him tingled against her palm and she wiped it
against her leg to erase the sensation. “What are you doing? What is this?
Where am I? Are you an escort?”
in my fantasy. I’ve been waiting for a very long time.” He strode forward and
took her by the back of the neck to jerk her to his chest. His mouth hit hers
in a hard kiss. She made a small noise of surprise. His lips moved insistently,
and for a long moment she made no move to stop him.
as if coming to her senses, she pushed his chest. She breathed hard and hurried
toward where the display should be. She didn’t care that it looked like forest.
If she got in, there had to be a way out. With a hard smack, she ran into a
barrier and fell back. She ignored the pain, instead crawling toward the
invisible wall trapping her in the strange world.
hand hit the wall, and she searched it for an opening. Then, from behind, the
lumberjack grabbed her hips and pulled. Without her realizing what he was up
to, he had knelt behind her. The hard press of his cock hit her ass and she
moaned, more surprised at her physical response than what he did to cause it.
there’s a lover,” he said. Hands fumbled at her waist, trying to unfasten her
jeans. She tried to crawl along the invisible barrier. He moved with her a few
paces, his movements hampered by the fact he was on his hands and knees. He
directed her around toward the tree stump holding his shirt and axe.
heart beat at a feverish tempo. Seeing the weapon, she wasn’t sure if she
should go for it or run the other direction. Since the man was clearly leading
her toward the axe, she hurried forward and reached to grab the handle. He
instantly let go of her and moved to take it. His grip was strong and he
managed to jerk it from her easily.
is no need for that.” He tossed it aside and it landed several feet down the
path. He began to push his pants from his hips. “Now, how would you like me to
take you? Or would you like to suck me first?”
you think is happening is not happening.

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