Vampire U
to offend."  He extended his hand.  "Will you join me upstairs?"
    I laced my fingers into his, and a thrill rushed through my body at his touch.  Gooseflesh rippled across my skin as he led me upward, and a flush reddened my chest and neck.
    Mander paused at the top of the stairs and turned toward me.  His eyes were half-closed and dreamy; whatever alertness he'd held as he faced down Alex was long gone.  His gaze slid down to my chest, and he stepped closer, breathing hard.
    "Uh, are you okay?" I said.  I tried to step back, but Mander's hand tightened on mine and pulled me close.  "Hey!"  I gave him a little shove with my other hand.
    Mander shook his head as though awoken from a bad dream.  "I...  I'm sorry, Danielle.  Perhaps I've had too much to drink after all.  Or not enough."  His eyes were abashed, even apologetic, but I thought I saw something else there, a glimmer of dark red that reminded me of violence.  A shudder ran up my spine.  Surely I'd only seen a reflection of the wine in my glass.  But his hand was still tight on my arm.
    Even unnerved as I was, the energy in his touch sent thoughts tumbling through my head, thoughts of being alone with Mander while he lost control.  In my mind's eye, I saw him pushing me down onto crimson silk sheets, then tearing off his tailored suit and...
    I shook the images away.  What was happening to me tonight?  It felt as though every Beta I encountered sent me into a horny frenzy.  I wiped away a thin sheen of sweat that had formed on my brow.  "Whatever," I said.  "Look, you wanted me to come, and I'm here.  What did you want to talk about?"
    Mander's lips tightened, and his sharp black eyes darted around the balcony.  "Please, will you sit with me?"  He swept his arm to a row of low black couches against one wall.
    I took three steps before I remembered all the girls downstairs, throwing themselves at Betas with wild abandon.  Instead of following him, I dug in my heels.  "What is this?  Do you guys wear Spanish Fly cologne or something?"
    Mander shrugged.  "The promise of a new semester makes everyone feel a bit more intense than usual.  Not all our gatherings are so... wild."
    After eyeing my wineglass with suspicion for a moment, I set it down on a corner table.  "Well I'm not going to sleep with you," I said, crossing my arms.
    Mander chuckled.  "I should hope not," he said.
    "Excuse me?" I said, irritated.  After all the attention he'd given me, I'd assumed he'd found me attractive for some reason.  His rude dismissal rocked me back on my heels.
    Mander raised his hands, palms out in a defensive gesture.  "Forgive me, Danielle!  I spoke poorly.  What I mean is that although I am attracted to your obvious beauty, your innocence is one of the things that drew me to you."
    My innocence?  Is it so obvious?   I'd never had a boyfriend, but I didn't exactly advertise my virginity.  Still, my outrage faded as quickly as it had erupted, soothed by his flattering words and the fact that I wanted desperately for him to like me.  I let Mander lead me to one of the couches, then contemplated the handsome young Beta as he sat down beside me, leaving a respectful distance between us.  He didn't sound like a frat boy any more than he dressed like one.  He spoke with the crisp diction of a college professor, and he had only the mildest trace of a southern accent.  I'd met guys before who wore suits and affected uppity speech patterns in an attempt to stand out.  They almost always seemed awkward.  But Mander's speech felt natural.
    "What's your deal, anyway?" I blurted.  "You don't act like any guy I've ever met."
    Mander's perfect lips spread in a slow grin.  "I'll take that as a compliment."
    "You didn't answer my question," I said.
    "Nor will I," he replied.
    "Then what am I doing here?" I asked.
    "You're free to leave at any time."  Mander sat motionless, the sharp lines of his face a mask of indifference.
    "Do you want me to

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