
Read Unknown for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Unknown for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
I didn’t deserve that!' She had thrown a handful of pebbles at him.
    ‘You did. But please continue being frank.'
    Craig studied her. ‘Then I believe you could pass muster —male muster. Your hair’s a bit short, though, for males these days.’
    'He should approve of that,’ she said with spirit.
    ‘Well, I’m not approving, Georgina, in fact I’m dead against it all. It’s a fool thing to do.’
    ‘Any alternative?’ she asked him.
    ‘No, but you’ll never get away with it. The man, as I said, is an eagle, and he’d get you in the end. And being the eagle he is, that end will be right at the beginning.’
    Georgina sighed. ‘Well, at least I’ll have it all over, Craig, but I’m still certain. I’m George Brown, and I’m going to Roper’s in answer to an ad. If you’re around to pick up the pieces when I’m kicked out, I’ll be grateful, but if you’re not, I guess I’ll still survive.’
    Craig also sighed, but he did not argue. ‘You’ll know where to come when you’re kicked out?’
    ‘Everson’s?’ she queried.
    ‘Bryden’s now; I’ve leased the place, remember, but they’ll put you up until I come on my next round, and then I can give you a lift home.’
    ‘The old motorcycle here is home,’ she responded wryly. ‘Yes, I think you made that clear, too clear. Now, shall we bury the body?’
    The old cycle was stripped of everything that could be used, then they left it there. An hour later with Georgina reclining much more comfortably in the car than in the sidecar, they made camp for the night once more.
    ‘You’re nice, Craig,’ Georgina said that evening as they watched the stars come out.
    ‘I think you actually mean I’m safe,’ he grinned.
    ‘Perhaps. Is it because of Elva? Or’ — slyly ... ‘is it because I’m so obviously a George?’
    He grinned again and they relapsed into a comfortable silence that deepened into sleep.
    The next morning they set off at daybreak. They wanted to make journey’s end by the afternoon.
    Craig was frankly worried about delivering Georgina, and he told her so, relating how he had been ordered off the place. ‘We had,’ he said in obvious understatement, ‘a few pertinent words.’
    ‘About Elva?’ she asked.
    ‘He sounds the lord of all creation, impossible, vainglorious,’ she said, thinking of the cattle boss.
    ‘Mighty Roper is. He’s arrogance itself.’
    ‘I see. Well, you can put me off at the gate.’
    ‘And make you walk five kilometres with all your gear?’
    ‘Is it that far?’ She was taken aback.
    ‘At least,’ he agreed.
    ‘It should be safe enough to take me,’ Georgina said thoughtfully, ‘the telegram said he wouldn’t be back for several weeks.’
    ‘Then we’ll give it a go. Georgina, you are sure?’
    ‘Sure,’ she nodded.
    ‘If only I could offer you an alternative. Even—well— offer myself.’ He was frowning thoughtfully.
    ‘As an employer ... or even as a partner if it was a way out.’
    ‘Partner?’ she asked suspiciously.
    ‘Husband,’ he grinned.
    ‘But you’re not offering, are you?’
    ‘No,’ Craig agreed apologetically, ‘I’m not.’
    They did not speak much for the rest of the journey. Georgina for her part was tense and excited and she could see that Craig was uneasy. What kind of man was this Roper, she seethed, to make everyone wretched like this? Just because a girl hadn’t fallen into his arms
    She asked Craig about that, and he said: ‘I think it was the first time that Mighty Roper had ever been thwarted. Everything had always come easy to him, everything had fallen into his lap. The station ... a big thriving concern, not like my poor holding ... had escaped any down trend through its sheer size. Also, the minerals Roper has dug up have all been sound. I really believe Larry’s failure with Elva was his only failure in a singularly successful life.’
    ‘And he couldn’t take it?’
    ‘Exactly,’ Craig

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