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Book: Read Unknown for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
you could use as a studio.’
    Irritated by his confident manner, she became even more rigid. ‘No, thank you,’ she refused firmly, adding sarcastically, ‘Don’t you think offering a person like myself a position in your home is a pretty steep price to pay simply as an apology? What will your friends think?’
    ‘I rarely let what other people think influence me,’ he replied coolly, his eyes darkening to a curious jade green. ‘However, since you refuse to cook and clean for me, perhaps we can work out a different kind of arrangement.’ Erasing the distance between them with one long stride, his fingers closed like tempered steel around her wrists as her hands came up to ward off his advance. Retaining his hold, he forced her arms behind her, trapping her securely while moulding her to his long form.
    As she started to protest, his mouth covered hers possessively, her parted lips giving the kiss an instant sensation of intimacy.
    Panicked, she twisted against his taut frame. He held her easily, and as the muscular impression of his thighs burned into her, a sensual excitement so strong it caused her to shiver ignited a level of emotion she had never before experienced.
    Involuntarily, as if her body had a will of its own, her struggle, which was supposed to be relaying a message of repulsion, seemed instead to be caressing him in the most intimate manner. Terrified by her reactions, she froze into immobility.
    A low moan escaped his lips as he deserted her mouth to taste her neck. ‘I was enjoying your active resistance,’ he murmured, nipping her earlobe.
    ‘Let go of me!’ she hissed, fighting the awful weakening effect he was having on her.
    Ignoring her demand, he kissed the pulse throbbing in her neck. ‘I don’t think that’s really what you want.’
    ‘Yes, it is,’ she choked out, feeling as if she was on the edge of an abyss and in grave peril of falling in. Desperate to regain her freedom, she kicked his shin as hard as she could with her bare foot. 'Ouch!’ she cried, having caused him very little pain while inflicting a great deal upon herself.
    ‘If you’re not careful, you’re going to hurt yourself,’ Brad Garwood frowned, releasing his hold and sitting her down in a chair so that he could examine the injured toe.
    ‘I’ll check my own injuries,’ she snarled, pulling away from his touch and massaging the painful digit.
    The heavy silence between them was suddenly interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. Hobbling into the hall, Sara discovered Steve on her threshold.
    ‘Morning, Sis,' he greeted her with a quick peck on the cheek, then noticing her limp asked solicitously, 'Hurt your foot?’
    ‘Stubbed my toe,’ she replied shortly, retracing her steps to the living room with Steve close behind.
    ‘On a piece of furniture?’ he queried.
    ‘It felt more like a brick wall,’ she muttered.
    Brad’s expression hardened perceptibly when he saw Steve. ‘I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want you having anyone following me.’
    ‘You did, and I’m not,’ Steve replied, his eyes travelling from Sara to Brad and back again, while a frown began to form at the corners of his mouth. ‘I came by to see my sister, and I have to admit I’m surprised to find you here.’ The flavour of brotherly protectiveness in his manner was strong, causing Sara to cringe.
    ‘I came by to apologise for the trouble I caused her last night and to offer her a job as my housekeeper,’ Brad said nonchalantly.
    ‘I was under the impression that that was a live-in position.’ Steve’s frown solidified.
    ‘It is. However, I don't believe you have to worry. Cooking and cleaning don’t seem to appeal to your sister.’ Although Brad’s tone was conversational for Steve’s benefit, the covert glance he threw towards Sara carried the implication that it was his belief that she preferred not to work for a living. The hairs on the back of her neck bristled. If he had honestly been offering her

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