
Read Unfaithful for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Unfaithful for Free Online
Authors: Joanne Clancy
    "Please!" she cried, "Mark, please!" She screamed as each wave finally washed over her. He drove into her harder and faster, finally exploding deep inside her.
    Afterwards, he held her close, their damp bodies entangled around each other. He kissed her and soon dozed off into a blissful, peaceful sleep. Rebecca turned her back to him and cried silent tears.

    Chapter 5
    “What does love mean anyway?” Shona asked Jackie, as she viciously bit into her juicy quarter pounder beef burger.
    They'd decided to meet for a quick lunch on Shona's break from work and were sitting by the window in McDonald's tucking into their Big Mac meals.
    “Oh, God, Shona, I don’t know,” Jackie mumbled, in between bites.
    “I read in a magazine article today that most people exist in a bubble of mutual co-dependency, which they mistakenly think is love.”
    “That's a bit cynical,” Jackie frowned.
    “I think there could be a lot of truth in it,” Shona declared, in between mouthfuls. She took a big gulp of her diet Coke.
    “The example of co-dependency that springs to my mind is the situation between Mark and Rebecca. Mark loves me, but because he has spent so long with his wife, he's finding it difficult to move on.”
    “Hmmm,” Jackie sighed.
    Shona had agonised over the details of her affair several times during the past few weeks. Jackie was tired of hearing about the affair and her sister's attempts to convince herself that what she and Mark shared was in some way special. She found it difficult to comprehend how naiive her sister was being about the whole situation.
    It was quite clear to Jackie that Mark had no intention of ever leaving his wife and that he was just stringing Shona along. She was bored of trying to give Shona advice and was starting to get annoyed with her sister's incessant attempts to justify how much they loved each other. She didn't want to argue with her sister over Mark, he just wasn't worth it, but she privately hoped that Shona would end their affair sooner rather than later.
    “I know, I know, you don't want to talk about Mark and me.” Shona nibbled on a few French fries.
    “He doesn't deserve you. You're way too good to be having an affair with a married man. There are so many single, available men out there who would be thrilled if you were their girlfriend.”
    “You'd be surprised how few decent men are available,” Shona moaned. “I do believe that Mark will leave Rebecca soon, he just needs to leave when he's ready. He wants to pick the right moment, and like he promised, we'll soon have the rest of our lives to spend together, so I don’t mind waiting a couple more weeks.”
    “I hope so,” Jackie replied. “Anyway, in answer to your earlier question, I think there are many types of love, but probably the truest, purest love that I have experienced is the love I share with my children. They love me for me; exactly who I am. It doesn't matter if I'm fat or thin, tall or small, trendy or dowdy. They just love me and I love them for exactly who they are. Obviously, I love Colm too and I know he loves me, but there are so many expectations involved with romantic love. Probably, the most you can hope for with your partner is that they are exactly that, your partner in life and that is wonderful, of course. Colm is an excellent father and a good, reliable husband. He's a very decent, kind man, but sometimes I wish he would be a bit more romantic. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't see me as a woman. He rarely compliments me, or looks at me in that way when you know your husband really desires you. He gives me gift cards for my birthday and Christmas, which is a good idea in one way, because I can choose what I want, but sometimes I think to myself that he should know me well enough by now to know what I like and that he could surprise me once in a while. I have to organise our holidays and weekends away. He's happy to go along with my suggestions but I

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