The Unwilling Accomplice (Book 5)

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Book: Read The Unwilling Accomplice (Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Heidi Willard
west of our continent," the king explained.
    Fred no longer had to wonder how the elves kept their figures. They starved themselves to achieve those hour-glass shapes. The feast was quickly devoured, and soon thereafter the companions returned to their rooms hungry and worried the hospitality of the elves would starve them to death.

    Fred retired and through sheer force of will ignored his rumbling stomach and slipped into sleep. At midnight he was awoken by the sounds of horns. Fred shot up in bed and looked around him wondering if a stampede of bullfalo were barreling down on him. He quickly realized the noise came from the window. Fred swept aside the covers and went to the window. The city was ablaze with the blue light from elven hands as people flitted through the streets. Their shouts carried up to the castle, but he couldn't make out the words because they were spoken in Elvish.
    Fred's attention turned to the door where he heard a clamor of steel. He grabbed his transformed staff and hurried into the hall. Elven guards were positioned at every corner, and Ned was deep in conversation with one of them at the top of the stairs a few yards down the corridor. Ned noticed Fred, spoke a few more words to the guard, and hurried over to his young apprentice. Their other companions hurried out of their rooms in various states of disarray and with their weapons in hand. Ruth was transformed into her gargoyle form.
    "What's all the racket for?" Canto growled.
    "It seems the city defenses have been breached," Ned told them.
    "An army?" Percy guessed, but Ned shook his head.
    "Nothing so dramatic, but something far more bold. The guards at the bridge were manning their posts three hours ago when a stranger in a dark cloak emerged from the forest. The person pulled aside their cloak to reveal a beautiful woman who enchanted them and forced them to open the barrier. She passed through and slipped into the city."
    "Three hours ago, and only now alerting the city?" Percy wondered.
    "The guards were only just now freed from their enchantment," Ned explained.
    Fred furrowed his brow. A beautiful woman who had the power of a castor. "A beautiful woman?" Fred repeated.
    Ned grimly nodded. "Yes, and I agree with your thoughts, my young apprentice. Martley has followed us from Kite."
    "Martley? What's she got to do with anything?" Canto questioned them.
    "She was disguised as a soothsayer in String and told me I needed to beware of men in white cloaks," Fred told them.
    Percy raised an eyebrow. "Was this before you were attacked?"
    "Yes," Fred replied.
    "Then we may have some thanks to give to her for the warning, little as it helped," Percy commented.
    "Whatever her intentions she has invaded the city, and that cannot be forgiven" Pat pointed out.
    "Aye, and was needed to be welcomed in to do it," Canto reminded them. "That makes her something more than just another pretty face."
    "I must concur. She must have had a reason for the way she entered. It was a great risk to reveal herself," Percy agreed.
    Ned stroked his beard and nodded. "Yes, she, as Ruth and I, could not enter the city without the barrier being pushed aside. We must assume she is very gifted in magic, and not merely proficient at disguising herself."
    "She is such a powerful castor and yet you still do not know who she is?" Pat questioned him.
    Ned shook his head. "Not the faintest. Her abilities and appearance are not at all familiar to me."
    "Could she be the castor who tried to kidnap Fred in String, and meant to fool us with the warning?" Percy suggested.
    "No," Ned replied. His answer was so firm that all in the company turned to him. Ned cleared his throat. "The person who attacked Fred was certainly a man," he added.
    "Then we are at a loss as to who she is, and what her intentions are," Percy sighed.
    "I don't think she means to hurt me, or any of us," Fred spoke up. All eyes turned to him, but he didn't waver from his comment. "She warned me about

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