The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Book: Read The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) for Free Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
recorded. Like the way you’re staring at my mouth now.”
    She blushed hotly and stepped back.
    He fought a smile. “In a few minutes, I’ll play the recording and show you what you’ve seen.”
    Studiously avoiding him, she browsed his toys and lifted what looked like a cellphone. “What’s this do?”
    “Makes and receives calls, among other things. It’s my smartphone.”
    She laughed and handed it to him. “Why the eyewear for me?”
    “To record conversations you have with inmates and guards. You’d be surprised how much people reveal without meaning to. Use skillful prodding and they’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
    “But why the specs? They’re too obvious since I’ve never worn them before.”
    “Given your scrubs at work, there wasn’t anywhere to put a camera and recording device without someone seeing and questioning it. For me, it’s different. He pulled his uniform shirt off a chair. “See this?” He tapped the pen in his pocket.
    She leaned in. “There’s a camera in there?”
    “Yep. Directly above the metal clip. The microphone’s behind that. I’ve also put several surveillance cameras around F cellblock, in the bubbles, and the dormitories Edward and Dick oversee. Devices that are smaller than my fingertip and blend in with the background so no one knows they’re there.”
    This was like starring in a James Bond film. “So F doesn’t have surveillance equipment that Gatekeeper put in?”
    “Actually, it does. However, when Jacqui hacked into the recordings, she found several gaps. Someone’s turning off the feed or scrubbing it when monitoring isn’t convenient for them.”
    Like when Kim died. Hallie sank into a chair. “How is that possible? Shouldn’t an alarm go off when someone messes with that stuff?”
    Chase hunkered down next to her. “In a perfect world, it would, but the security at Zephron sucks. My guess is Gatekeeper’s CEO doesn’t want to pay what he considers an unnecessary expense for the good stuff and hopes nothing bad will happen.”
    Her stomach churned. “Did you get Kim’s autopsy results yet?”
    “Jacqui sent them while we were at work.” He handed them to Hallie.
    She scoured the first several pages and sagged. “Suicide? Are they kidding? The huge bump on her head, documented here, should have been a dead giveaway for homicide.”
    “If you read to the end, the medical examiner said Kim most likely sustained the injury when she either lost her footing or deliberately jumped from the bed. She smacked into the wall before the noose tightened around her throat and killed her. Enough time, according to the report, for her to have bruised and bled a little.”
    “Bull. Even a first year nursing student would know that’s not possible given how Kim supposedly died and the fact that there wasn’t advanced decomposition for bruising to show. The medical examiner is either a fool or has to be in on this.”
    “We’ll find out.” He took the report from her. “Let me show you something.”
    She rolled her chair next to his at the computer. The screen split into three parts, showing F block and the bubbles. Chase enlarged the confinement area. “Watch.”
    Seconds passed, the hall empty, and then Dick lumbered into the scene, his back to the camera. The time-and-date stamp showed ten forty-five on Wednesday when he worked the night shift. He stopped at the last door, opened it, and disappeared inside.
    Hallie tensed. “That’s Barb Valez’s cell.”
    “I know. Twenty-one. Pretty. Up on bad check charges. In confinement for fighting with another inmate. According to the report, Barb resisted the guards when they pulled her off the other woman. Sound plausible?”
    “No.” Hallie gripped her chair. “Barb’s quiet. Doesn’t mix with anyone. My guess is the other inmate messed with her first and Barb defended herself.”
    “Watch.” He fast-forwarded the recording. At eleven-thirty, Dick left the cell. Smoothing his

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