The Fight for Peace

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Book: Read The Fight for Peace for Free Online
Authors: Autumn M. Birt
boredom pasted on faces as elements for a sanctioned peace treaty were debated, Danielle expected the holiday recess would lure away a dozen or so. But for now, she could poll the remaining Senators for dissatisfaction.
    More than a few were angry over Byran’s choice to leave Arinna as leader of the Guard. That he’d sworn her in as the official leader galled others. Side debates raged between insidious preference between Byran and Arinna versus those who pointed out she had saved his life and that of his family. Old friends or old lovers were the choices. Miralda’s legacy continued to function even if MOTHER no longer did. Danielle laughed silently at that. Miralda had given Danielle freedom and fertile ground.
    For dinner that night, Danielle decided to roll out the le Marc prestige: fine china set in a grand formal dining room, wine in crystal glasses, and servers in suits. Her six guests ogled the house and arrangements. She wanted to make sure they knew who had the power to lead any resistance.
    “Why do you think Prime Minister Vasquez kept the Lady Grey in charge of the Guard?” Sari asked after the directionless grumblings of unhappiness over recent events died down.
    Danielle shrugged from her place at the head of the table. “Byran and Arinna are old friends. If this peace treaty falls through, I’m sure he believes we will need her experience fighting the FLF.”
    “You don’t think she will poison him against peace?” Evan asked.
    “I’m sure she will caution him about the FLF,” Danielle answered after a pause. She sipped her wine as if to keep herself from saying more.
    “We elected Byran to lead us and the first thing he does is not to listen to us!”
    “Old feelings are difficult to overcome,” Danielle said smoothly. “It is Parliament’s role to make him listen. That is why we are debating on proposals for the peace treaty. It will get much more serious once we hear what the FLF’s demands are,” she added as if she’d seen the process a dozen times.
    “And if he won’t listen?”
    “Well, we can influence those he listens to. Probably not Derrick Eldridge or the Lady Grey, but there will be the others in his Cabinet once he selects members. It would be advisable to establish a relationship with them. And if that doesn’t work ... well, Parliament voted him in. We can vote him out.”
    She was pleased by the nods around the table.  It was only six, but it was a start.

    Chapter 5
    “Danielle denies having anything to do with the attack,” Derrick said.
    “Do you believe her?” Byran asked.
    Derrick, Byran, and Arinna met at Byran’s house, Miralda’s old home, on the outskirts of Prague. For all the complaints he’d made when Arinna had given it to him, Byran had settled in just as he accepted the role of Prime Minister.
    Derrick frowned at Byran’s question, his gaze drifting to the window. He understood he spoke to the leader of Europe while his superior, the leader of the armed forces for the continent, sat nearby. This was not a social call and didn’t feel like one. “She told you she spied on me for my father?” he asked.
    “Yes. One of the first things she told me in Parliament this session. Why?” Byran asked.
    “Because she was very good at denying that, and making me feel like a suspicious idiot for the six years we were engaged every time I asked,” Derrick said, running his hand through his hair. “So no, I don’t believe her. She is too good at lying.”
    Byran sighed at the news. For a moment, Derrick saw his friend and his anxiousness for his family, and not the new Prime Minister for Europe.
    “What else was said?” Arinna asked.
    “I told her if she was looking for someone unhappy about the changes in the Guard to speak to Captain Vries as you both instructed,” Derrick answered.
    “I can’t imagine she will buy that,” Byran huffed.
    “Others have,” Arinna said with a half

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