The Feeder

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Book: Read The Feeder for Free Online
Authors: E.M Reders
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampires
anyone seeing me. Dark circles under my eyes, pale skin, I looked like fucking death!
    “Go and get some kip.”
    Leaving the safety of Gideon’s office – a place I had never thought that I would think of as safe – I made my way down the corridor to my office. I needed to have a chat with Dean but didn’t want Thayne to see me in this state, so I decided to use the intercom system from there. As I walked the short distance to the door, that horrible feeling began to form in my gut. Someone was watching me. My heart rate picked up, blood pounding in my ears as my panic started to build. Picking up speed, I made a mad dash for the door, slamming it closed behind me the second I entered the room.
    What the hell is wrong with me? I thought as I slid down the door, pulling myself into a small ball when I reached the floor. I had never been this scared in my life.
    Well, I had, but not in years. Not since…
    No! I was not going to go there. Those memories belonged buried deep in the past.
    After a few minutes, I pulled myself together enough to ease myself off the floor and over to my desk. I was still on edge, still had the strange sense that somebody was watching me, but the strong sense of evil, of violence that came with it was gone.
    I used the intercom to talk to Dean, letting him know about the delivery that I’d arranged for the next night. With me being the only staff member here in the day – aside from any cleaners – I had to make arrangements for all deliveries to be made at night.
    Hearing a light knock on the door, I replied without thinking, not even bothering to ask who it was before I allowed them to enter. What a mistake that had been.
    Gazing up from the delivery schedule before me, I pulled in a sharp breath, my once panicking heart now pounding away violently once again within my chest. “Vince.” I swallowed. “What are you doing back here?” Shouldn’t he be out in the club with the others? “Why aren’t you at your post?” He’d refused to work with Thayne and the others, to train, so he was assigned to a quieter part of the club each night. At least that way, when he did his usual disappearing act, it didn’t usually matter.
    “My post?” he snapped angrily. “I'm not going to follow that bastard’s orders like those other idiots do. He thinks he’s so high and mighty, walking in here like he owns the place and making all these damn changes. Things were good exactly as they were.”
    “You are kidding me, right?” I blurted out without thinking. For some reason, Vince mouthing off about Thayne just rubbed me up the wrong way. Hadn’t I just sat through hours of Gideon doing the same thing without once feeling even an ounce of emotion, other than boredom that is? “Thayne has done nothing but good for this establishment since the moment he walked through those doors. The world feels a whole lot brighter with him in it.”
    And it did. Didn’t it? Ever since that first evening, I actually looked forwards to getting up and heading down to the club. Life was exciting again.
    Thunder seemed to gather in Vince emerald eyes, and his fists clenched at his sides. “Well, I see where your loyalties lie,” he sieved as he turned and walked back down the hall, a new kind of coldness to his voice that I had never heard before.
    As I was about to leave the room after waiting long enough to know that Vince was gone, the intercom buzzed, Gideon’s voice coming over loud and clear. “Before you head up, can you finish filling out the forms I gave you the other night? It is highly important that they are completed straight away and sent off first thing.”
    Sighing heavily, I flopped myself back down behind my desk and stared at the mountain of paperwork that had appeared on my desk. It had grown even more since the week before when Gideon had first ordered me to do it. It looked like I wouldn’t be getting any sleep for some time yet.
    When my eyes were literally in need of matchsticks to

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