Taming The Tigers

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Book: Read Taming The Tigers for Free Online
Authors: Tianna Xander
Tags: Paranormal, Adult, Erotic Romance, menage, shapeshifter
a trip? We got to the penthouse, found your things gone and Melody went nuts when you didn’t return her calls. She’s been worried something happened to you.” Shaking his head, he rubbed a spot between his eyes. “You know how she’s going to react when I tell her she was right.”
    “Stop it!” she cried when two of the strange men managed to get Malik on the ground. “You’ll hurt him.” She turned to her uncle. “Stop them, Uncle Mitch. They’re killing my mates!”
    “Your—shit!” Dropping her arm that she hadn’t realized he’d been holding, he moved to the front of the car and pulled the two men off Malik. “Stop it. Carmen is okay and she insists these two are her mates.”
    “Who the hell are you?” Malik growled, his eyes glowing in the growing dusk.
    She frowned when her Uncle Wyatt stepped up beside Mitch. He brushed dirt off his pants, his lip bleeding. It served him right for participating in that barbaric act. She hadn’t realized he’d been one of the men trying to beat her mates to death.
    Men! She shook her head.
    Gabe turned to Wyatt, his expression unreadable. “You’re lucky we heard you say something about how we were going to die for fucking with your niece.”
    “Lucky?” Wyatt grinned. “We’re not as easy to take as you might think.”
    “You would be for our tigers. We’d outweigh you by a few hundred pounds.” Malik spit some blood on the ground. “Now, how about you tell us why you thought it necessary to stop us instead of merely confronting us at our next stop.”
    “There were two of you and our niece was between you. It looked suspicious. What would you have had us do?”
    “Touché.” Gabe nodded. “You have us there.” His gaze roamed over all of the men who had joined them. “Since you’re here and your object is keeping your niece safe, perhaps you would care to help us.”
    “Help you do what?” Mitch crossed his arms and scowled at both Malik and Gable. “Are you saying that you can’t keep your mate safe?”
    “We aren’t saying that. We’re merely informing you that we have made some enemies. Our line of work doesn’t leave a lot of room for making friends, at least the kind that we can trust with our secrets.”
    Her uncles shared a look that spoke volumes. They had most likely spoken to each other using their telepathic link. “We’re listening.”
    “We’ve been bounty hunters for the last several years.”
    “What the fuck were you two thinking taking on a job like that?” Wyatt asked, obviously disgusted.
    “We were thinking that we were bored and needed to do something with our lives before we contracted mate fever and went rogue.”
    “Mate fever is a myth,” one of the men said as he bent to pick his hat up off the ground.
    “Tell that to the fifty-or-so that have died in the cascade.” Gabe met each of her uncles’ gazes in turn. “Why do you think our prince took the chance of leaving the cascade to find his mate? Did you really think it was only because he wanted an heir?” He shook his head and laughed. “Sure, that was part of it, but the other part was being one of the oldest, he was showing signs of going mad. He needed a mate and he needed her fast. It was... fortuitous that the two of them stumbled upon your little town.”
    Carmen watched their exchange, glad that her uncles and her mates had come to a tenuous truce. So what if they were talking about her as though she wasn’t there? She’d gotten used to that a long time ago. Her uncles were nothing if not creatures of habit.

Chapter Ten
    Do you think they believe you? Malik asked through their mental link.
    It doesn’t matter if they believe me. If they care even a bit for their niece, they’ll help us protect her from a slug, if that’s what we ask them to do.
    You have a point.
    “Okay. Let’s say we believe you.” Mitch said, his voice nearly a growl. “And let’s say that we agree to help you protect our niece instead of taking

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