Sylvie Sommerfield - Noah's Woman

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Book: Read Sylvie Sommerfield - Noah's Woman for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
pearls around her throat. Her scent made his hands tremble. Patience, he cautioned himself . . . patience.
    "There. That accents the gown and your loveliness perfectly. Now, we must hurry. The first act will begin in less than an hour."
    They left the house and entered Charles's carriage. Charity had only traveled in it once before, on the trip from the orphanage. This luxury was a delight to her, but she forgot it in her wonder at the theater itself. Ladies glittered and gentlemen stood proud . . . and Charles watched Charity. He saw her eyes glow and her smile brighten, and hoped he was awakening a desire for this kind of life in her.
    Charity was so excited she felt as if she were a weightless bubble floating on a dream. She sat enchanted throughout the first two acts, and accepted another new thing at intermissionchampagne.
    Charles had already poured her third glass before they went in to see the final act.
    Charity had adapted like a chameleon, and if he hadn't known of her dubious ancestry, Charles would have labeled her a lady of culture. Never was he more satisfied than now that she would fit into his plans admirably.
    Still a bit giddy from the champagne, Charity was awed by the way Charles was treated by the maitre d' at the restaurant. The table they were given was situated in a small alcove where they were a bit secluded from the rest of the diners.

    Charles ordered for them both, and Charity had never tasted such exquisite food before. She hardly noticed that Charles kept her wineglass filled and continually urged her to taste.
    By the time they left the restaurant, Charity was relaxed, content, and totally without armament against Charles's plans.
    She chattered on the ride home, reliving the pleasures of fine food and excellent entertainment. When they reached the house, Charles dismissed his driver, who drove away grim-faced and cold-eyed. If Charity didn't know what Charles was about, the driver did. But it was beyond his power to stop it. He had already experienced the power of Charles's anger.
    Charity stumbled up the steps, and Charles had to put his arm about her to keep her from falling. His arm remained there.
    Charity looked at a swirling world and was grateful for Charles's arm. She would have to remember to thank him in the morning for an evening she would never forget. For this moment she had to concentrate on walking.
    They were inside her room, her cloak was gone, and Charles had removed her shoes and stockings before a vague warning tried to force its way into her mind. She seemed to be watching Charles from a distance, as if what he was doing had no effect on her at all. He had taken off his jacket and vest, but still this seemed of little import to her. She was dizzy and really wanted nothing more than to go to bed.
    Charles sat down on the edge of the bed beside Charity and reached up to gently take the pins from

    her hair, letting it cascade about her like a waterfall of sunbeams and moonlight.
    Slowly he moved his hand to the back of her gown, where deft and experienced fingers untied the laces. Charity was in a semi-stupor, and when he drew her slowly to her feet the gown slid to the floor with a whisper and lay around her feet like a pool of molten gold.
    Charles gazed at her with rapt fascination. Desire coursed through him like a flame. That she was helpless and vulnerable made little difference to him. He wanted her.
    Dressed only in a chemise and one petticoat, Charity was the vision Charles had held in his mind all the long nights he had planned this.
    But his relentless dreams and hot desire were to prove his own undoing, for he could not retain the control he'd had. He drew her into his arms, one arm about her waist and the other hand in her hair. Then he took her mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss that tore the curtain of unreality away from Charity's mind.
    She felt the heated moistness of his mouth as he forced hers open. She felt his body crushing hers against its length

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