Spiritus, a Paranormal Romance (Spiritus Series, Book #1)

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Book: Read Spiritus, a Paranormal Romance (Spiritus Series, Book #1) for Free Online
Authors: Dana Michelle Burnett
yet. I let out a relieved sigh and went to my seat.
    My heart was pounding in my ears. I tried to focus on calming down and slowing my racing pulse, so grateful he wasn’t there yet. I could feel the hot blood in my cheeks. I closed my eyes and tried to take measured, even breaths.
    I heard movement in the desk in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes. There right in front of me was Jonah Ericson.
    He was turned slightly, talking to the girl in the desk to his left. I didn’t remember her name from yesterday, but I immediately envied her for his attention. His picture perfect face was open and friendly with a slight smile on his perfect lips. His blond hair waved just enough, making him look more like a walking model for hair products than an ordinary high school student.
    I tried to focus on Mr. Abramson’s lecture on the Louisiana Purchase, but my thoughts were everywhere. I couldn’t look to the front of the room where he was writing on the blackboard without getting distracted by the perfection of Jonah Ericson.
    His dark grey tee-shirt clung to his tanned skin, outlining his biceps where the material ended. Whenever he would turn his head to check the wall clock, I would get a glimpse of his gorgeous profile. I was enthralled, studying every detail of him, even breathing through my nose so I could get faint whiffs of his cologne.
    When my admiration was cut short by the bell, Jonah left without ever once noticing me.
    I passed him twice more in the hall that day. The first time he walked by without so much as a glance over to me, but oh that second time. It was right after the last class and people were in a hurry to get out of there as soon as possible and on to whatever activities school had interrupted.
    I was at my locker, trying to hurry before Ally and Billie could catch me and ask more questions. I had just shut the locker door and turned to leave when I saw Jonah. He was so perfect with the afternoon sun in his face, smiling with easy confidence that only popular people know. He was like a Greek Adonis among mortals.
    As I was standing there, admiring the perfection of his existence, I thought about how the nape of his neck must smell like vanilla wafers. He stunned me by giving me a casual wave.
    “See you tomorrow Becca.” He called out.
    I could only stare after him. I knew I should say something, but couldn’t form the words. He shrugged and kept walking. He was well down the hall before I could make my mouth work.
    “See you tomorrow.” I whispered.
    Great. He must think I’m some sort of mental defect. He’s also probably used to girls stammering every time he came within two feet of them. I was so embarrassed. Why did I have to humiliate myself in front of the exact person I wanted to impress?
    I should have been thinking about Geometry homework, my assignment on Hamlet , or anything academic, but all I could think about as I left the school was that Jonah Ericson spoke my name. Not only did he speak my name (twice), but he formed the syllables on those delicious lips.
    The blush was still on my cheeks when I slammed my locker shut. By sheer luck, I evaded Ally and Billie. I blended into a group of fleeing students as I made it to the sidewalk. I didn’t calm down until I turned the corner and was out of sight of the school.
    I relaxed a little then, taking the time to notice the beautiful flower gardens of the other houses on the block. People sat on front porches sipping iced tea or stood at the edge of their gardens clipping the fragrant blooms. It was another of those Norman Rockwell moments that would seem so out of place anywhere else, but so perfectly normal here in Corydon.
    Too soon I stepped into the shadows of the giant oaks in the yard. A chill overtook me and I knew I was home.
    It was as if a hush fell over the world as I stepped onto the stone walkway. I could hear the faint rustle of leaves in the breeze and

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