Something Worth Fighting For

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Book: Read Something Worth Fighting For for Free Online
Authors: Ashley McNiel
for her or something. Batting her eyelashes, giggling, and slamming back shots like it was her job; that had sealed my decision to stay sober. She was going to need babysitting later on when she was praying to the porcelain Gods.
    My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was either Joaquin figuring out I had snuck out or Spencer. Neither of which I particularly cared to speak to right now. Flipping open the top, I opened the text.
    Spenc: Where r u?
    I sighed rolling my eyes. He must have called the house. Just one night away from all the drama would be awesome. But no, it follows me everywhere!
    Ellie: Out w/ Sara
    Spenc: Where? @ ur house
    Ellie: Concert her new b/f band
    Spenc: Where?
    Ellie: Leave me alone
    Spenc: No coming 2 get u
    Ellie: I’m turning my phone off
    I did just that, stuffing it deep into the back pocket of my jeans. Slipping through the side door I took my spot in front of the stage next to a slurring, swaying Sara. Together we danced, sang the covers the band played, and screamed for the guys just like good groupies were supposed to do. They were actually a decent band for being unsigned. A little lighter than what I usually preferred but a solid rock sound regardless.
    Sara casually dropped the information she was leaving with Jamie after their set. Which yet again left me to find a way back home, across town, at one in the morning. Rather than getting to go back to Sara and her mom Lorraine’s apartment six blocks away.
    Fantastic, thanks for that Sara.
    “Ugh,” I groaned walking through the alleyway more than pissed off at my so called friend. With my head hung down I pulled out my phone, turning it back on, determined to call for a cab. I dodged drunk people puking next to the dumpster before turning back down another alley to use the phone.
    “Be quiet,” I heard Spencer’s voice in my ear before his hand clamped hard over my mouth. His arm snaked around my waist, holding me tight against him. He reeked of alcohol. “I was lucky Sara is an idiot and posted on Facebook where you two would be tonight.”
    I threw my elbow back as hard as I could connecting with Spencer’s ribs. He grunted, constricting his hand, squeezing my face until I yelped. His nails were cutting my skin causing tears to well up in my eyes.
    Spencer began to dragging me backward. Further down into the dark cramped alley. I wasn’t going down without a fight, the guys had trained me better than that. I flailed, kicked, swung my arms wildly trying to make any contact with his body.
    But mostly, I screamed.
    And screamed.
    And screamed.
    Over and over until I thought my lungs would give out. Until my throat was raw. All I could hear was the sound of my voice and Spencer yelling at me to shut up.
    I screamed the entire time Spencer’s fists laid into my face, splitting my lips, bruising my eyes.
    I screamed while the world went hazy, blurring in and out.
    I screamed while he plunged the knife into me over and over again.
    I screamed until no more sound would come out.
    “Ellie?” Atlas’ voice startled me, jerking me back to the here and now. My breathing was rapid, heart racing, sweat formed on my top lip as my chin trembled. With shaking hands I dropped the blade of steak knife I didn’t know I had been gripping in my balled fist.
    “Fuck,” I groaned, clutching my bleeding hand. “Blood...” The air left my lungs as my world began to spin. “Blood makes me...” My voice was hoarse as I watched with blurry vision as Atlas stepping over Shep.
    “Oh shit. You okay?” Atlas face was pale, masked in concern.
    Tears were forming in my eyes as he took my hand. I bit my bottom lip feeling nauseous as the metallic smell filled my nostrils. The room started to spin, my vision in and out again as I looked at the blood running down my hand, dripping between my fingers to the concrete floor. My knees buckled as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and the world went

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