Shooting the SEAL (Saving the SEALs Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Shooting the SEAL (Saving the SEALs Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Leslie North
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Military, romantic suspense, Mystery & Suspense
opened the first file— Lavender Lille by N.T. Smalls. She didn’t recognize the author’s name, and a half a page later, she knew why. She went back over the text again to see if maybe she was missing something.
    It is a cold November day that takes me to the haunted mansion, but I am not ready for the gunman waiting. Nor for the mysterious package that comes from Florida. I wait with my love, Nick, for word, but none comes. So I let myself wander.
    Anna blinked. Either she was more tired than she knew, or this book was a mess. How could the marketing department even think of releasing this? Well, maybe it was one of the ones they’d passed on, but Anna was sure she’d read something else by Smalls. Or had she? She flicked forward a few pages.
    Everything is wrong—danger everywhere. I shout but no one can hear me, they are all too deep in his pockets. The cat warns me of trouble, but I have to find Nick—or maybe all I will find will be his ghost, and I will be one, too, for he is forever gone to the green and red.
    “Okay, maybe this is some trendy style I’m not up on,” Anna muttered. She closed the file and wondered if she should try another book or find a movie. Her phone rang, saving her from having to make a choice.
    She hoped it wasn’t her mother again. Eloise had probably seen her on the news, and would no doubt tell her the camera had added ten pounds to her and probably talk about how bad her hair had looked on the news.
    Reaching for her phone, Anna checked the caller ID and smiled. It was Gage. Feeling more like a teenager, she answered. “Hey, Gage. Didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.” She hadn’t. Her dating record wasn’t exactly the best—but it was nice that he’d called.
    His deep voice came over the line. “Thought I would call to see how you were doing.”
    Smiling, Anna sat down again and tucked her feet underneath her. “No ill effects other than incredibly sore legs. That and I’m now in a closet of an office at work. Apparently, it’s going to take weeks to put everything back to what it was. Oh, that reminds me, we’re going to have to do another shoot with you. I have the images from the film in my camera, but everything else ended up smoke or water damaged.”
    A short silence came over the line and then he said, “Another shoot?”
    He didn’t sound happy, and she asked, “What, don’t tell me you’re already resigning as model material? That’d be a loss to the modeling world—besides, I’m getting ideas for using you as a mystery man on the cover of what seems to be a Gothic…well…a Gothic something.” She nudged her table with a finger. She’d have to try reading that book another time—sometime when she wasn’t exhausted. She snuggled lower in her seat.
    “On a different note,” Gage said, “I had a wonderful time with you the other night. Is it too soon to call to see if you would like to go out again? I still want dinner with you.”
    She twirled a strand of hair around her fingers. “I’d love to.”
    “Great, we’re on for tonight.”
    She gave a laugh. “You really don’t waste time. It’s sweet of you, but I am now planning a microwave dinner and an early night.”
    “How about pizza and beer? I know a place over on P Street—does Neapolitan-style pie, Pizzeria Paradiso. Gobs of cheese, tomatoes and garlic—and if you’re up for it a salty fish roe that’ll make your day. And night. They do take-out.”
    She grinned and wondered if she should say yes. From the corner of her eye, she saw Romeo jump up on the window sill. He sat still, only the tip of his tail moving, a low growl coming from his throat.
    Gage kept talking about the pizza—and the beer—trying to talk her into dinner.
    Getting up, Anna moved to the window. She pulled back a curtain. Evening was falling, leaving the sky a smeared, dusky purple with starts faint and flickering. The

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