SENTINEL: an exciting British detective crime thriller

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Book: Read SENTINEL: an exciting British detective crime thriller for Free Online
during your brief tenure at St Mark’s. Indeed, you seem to have exhibited a truly a remarkable talent for it, has he not, Sergeant?’
    ‘Oh, aye, proper gift, I would say.’
    ‘Men of God do that,’ said the vicar. ‘It is inevitable when they stand up for what they believe is right.’ Rowland’s voice seemed suddenly stronger. ‘It is the cross we bear. When our risen Lord was cast into the wilderness, the Devil was struck with a profound sense of terror and reduced to an abject…’
    ‘With all due respect,’ said Radford. ‘I don’t think this is anything to do with the Devil although I guess the wasteland outside your church might qualify as wilderness and we can probably agree on evil.’
    ‘Besides,’ said Gaines, ‘neither of the lads seen leaving the church after you were attacked had horns.’
    ‘The Devil cloaks himself in many different disguises,’ said Rowland.
    Gaines gave a snort.
    ‘There had been threats against you, I think,’ said Radford. ‘Yet we can find no record of you reporting any of them. You do not seem to have exhibited much in the way of co-operation with the police, Reverend. Any reason why?’
    ‘You can’t keep a guard on the church all the time.’
    ‘We could have protected you in some way, though. That’s why we’re here, to protect our community.’
    ‘So is the council and look what they did,’ said the vicar, surprising them with his vehemence as he sat up in bed, ignoring the pain. ‘You and I both know how much priority you would give to a meddlesome priest like me. Even if I did think that someone from the council was behind them, why would I tell you? From what I hear, you and Jason de Vere are big buddies.’
    ‘Not that big.’ Radford seemed irritated by the comment. ‘Or buddies.’
    Gaines’ only reaction was to frown, as he always did when anyone alluded to the relationship. Whatever the truth of the rumours, they were fast becoming more than a distraction and they were bringing back bad memories for the sergeant. The destruction of the city’s CID division had hit Gaines hard, the detective watching aghast as first his DCI then friends of many years had been jailed, casting a dark cloud over the squad.
    Which is why Gaines had eventually come to welcome the new inspector, seeing him as someone to wipe away the shame of the past. Now Radford’s friendship with Jason de Vere threatened to jeopardise that, in the opinion of a sergeant who had seen it all before. Without realising he had done it, he pursed his lips.
    ‘Does the name Neil Garvin mean anything to you?’ said the inspector to Rowland.
    ‘Should it?’ asked the vicar, lying down again, his face now pale after the sudden flush of energy.
    ‘Given that he’s one of the men who beat the living daylights out of you, I think it just might.’
    Rowland closed his good eye and silence settled on the room for a few moments. Radford glanced over at the sergeant, who shrugged and walked over to the window where he returned to his perusal of the city centre. The footballer was just leaving his office, snapping out the light and plunging the room into darkness. Gaines glanced across to the city hall clock and sighed; it was going to be another late one. Another missed dinner. No wonder Peg wanted him to retire.
    Radford stood up.
    ‘You’re not going to tell us who did this, are you?’ he said.
    Rowland shook his head. ‘I am sure whoever did this will be punished enough. Every man must live with his sins.’
    ‘Some find it easier than others.’
    ‘The Lord will judge him soon enough. However, if anyone thinks that what has happened will stop me speaking out about the demolition, they are wrong. In fact, as soon as I can I will be contacting the media.’
    ‘You’ll find out.’
    ‘But you won’t tell us?’
    ‘Fair enough, it’s your funeral,’ said Radford. ‘Literally, I imagine. One thing before we go. We found a Bible beside you, with a passage

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