Secrets and Lies 7 (The Ferro Family) (Secrets & Lies)

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Book: Read Secrets and Lies 7 (The Ferro Family) (Secrets & Lies) for Free Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
about it. Nate wants more from me, but when he finds out about Josh—that we did this—I’ve passed the point of no return.
    It doesn’t matter anyway. Whatever is between Nate and me will vanish as soon as I get him to sign over his house. There’s no way to come back from that. Nate will regret that decision every day for the rest of his life. It wouldn’t surprise me if he took all that money to use against the fracking company.
    Josh turns to me and tips his head to the side, indicating I should follow him. He holds a hand out for me, and I walk over to him, slipping my palm in his. My stomach fills with turbulent waves of emotion. It’s too complex for me to separate excitement from foreboding, so I don’t try.
    Things are over with Nate. It was a fling, and Josh is the rebound. The truth of the situation is like a slap in the face. It’s startling, and no matter how much I want the memories with Nate not to matter, they're bittersweet.
    Josh pulls me into a little elevator at the back corner of the lobby, up behind the reservation desk. I didn’t see it initially. When the door closes, he clears his throat and offers a nervous grin. “Private elevator.”
    “Why is it private?” Before he can answer, the doors open into an opulent room stretching across the entire floor. A bank of windows overlooks the capital building and its domed roof. An enormous amount of pride went into the creation of that building, and any room with such a great view of it—and Ladybird Lake—has to cost a fortune. The other row of windows stretches floor-to-ceiling and faces the other way, showcasing the lazy flow of the river. My jaw is scraping on the floor when Josh presses a finger to my chin and shuts it.
    “Gaping isn’t a becoming trait. I mean, I’d be okay with it when I first strip naked, but not now. It’s a room with a view.”
    “It’s a football field of a room," I say, ignoring his swagger and verbal bait. "Josh, it’s gorgeous. Can’t you tell?”
    He glances around and shrugs. “I like the privacy and the amenities. I don’t really notice the view anymore. My parents have taken us to places like this since we were kids. This location is tame compared to some.” There’s a hollowness to his voice telling me there’s more story there, but I decide not to press. Not right now.
    “It’s a beautiful room.”
    He glances over at me with those green eyes. “You’re a beautiful woman.” He watches me for a moment, his gaze locked on my face as he asks, “Are you sure about this Kerry? We can hang out, watch TV, and order room service.” There’s more he wants to say, but he shuts his mouth and swallows hard, cutting it off.
    I almost take him up on his offer, but I need to know who I’m becoming. I have to know if I’ve fallen for Nate or if I can be like that with anyone. There was a time when I knew myself inside out. Now I’m not even sure what I like anymore or who my real friends are—I suspect one of the best friends I have is standing in front of me.
    I walk over to him and throw my arms around his neck. Looking into his eyes, I lean in and press my lips to his. That spark is there, the magnetic pull of physical attraction. It swirls in my belly and shoots into my limbs making me feel excited and light. His kiss is soft and careful, like he’s drained it of passion in his effort to maintain control. He doesn’t trust himself at all, not even with a kiss. My heart sinks when I think about how lonely he must feel. I hold him close, wrapping my arms around his neck, and playing with a spot on the back of his neck with my fingers as the kiss deepens.
    The butterflies in my stomach fly away, and I take control of the kiss, pushing it toward passion and away from the slow, careful pace he set when his lips met mine. I sweep my tongue inside his mouth and then pull away, breathless, to nip his bottom lip, before crushing my mouth back to his. Josh’s body tenses against mine, and his spine goes

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