
Read Relics for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Relics for Free Online
Authors: Maer Wilson
gave a glance up at Parker and copied his cross-legged style, floating up to sit in mid-air next to my desk. She smelled of cinnamon. She gave me the most heartbreaking, beautiful smile.
    I felt my breath hitch in my chest. Why was she here?  She had to be a tiny angel that should have gone on immediately after. I shook my head and made myself continue. “How old are you, Jenna?”
    She held up four fingers. God, this really sucked.
    “What's your last name?  Do you know?”
    She nodded, “Mathon.” Aw hell, she even had a lisp.
    “Mason?” I repeated. She nodded again. I typed her name on the tablet.
    “What do you remember, Jenna?  Anything?”
    Her little face scrunched up in concentration as she thought for several moments. Her expression cleared, and she nodded again. “Menember the bad man.” Her head tilted to one side. “He took me and Mommy and made Daddy sleep on the floor.”
    Sleep?  Did she mean dead?  But if so, where was he?  Had he gone on immediately after?  I added those questions next to her name. Thulu immediately pulled his monitor back and started searching.
    “Do you know where he took you?”
    “No, it was dark and cold and hard. Then other man took me away from Mommy. I can't find her. I don't know how to get home.” This last statement was a fearful whisper. I reached for inner strength, but wanted to smash something, preferably Jones.
    “Okay, sweetie. Can you remember anything else?”
    She shook her head. “Can you find my Mommy and Daddy?”
    “I'm sure going to try.” That earned me her sunny smile again. Jane held out her arms to her as Jenna looked around. She drifted over and onto Jane's lap, curling up as if she were going to take a nap, but watching everything.
    I turned to Jane's grandson.
    “Robin, what's your last name?”
    “Andrews. And I'm not good-for –”
    “Thank you,” I gently cut him off. “Do you know why this guy went after you and your grandmother?”
    “Because of the treasure.”
    Another major mood shift. Nothing gets the attention of the living or the dead quite like that word.
    “Okay, so she's right,” he said with a nod to his grandmother. “I was a good-for-nothing. But I was trying to make it right. I knew if I could find the treasure, I could get myself clean. I needed help to find it, though, since she didn't want me in her house.” He shot a resentful look at Jane. “So, I had no choice. Besides I owed – him – money.” Robin at least had sense enough to not say the name again. He looked at me morosely.
    “But it's okay because I'm clean now.” He brightened up, his face shining with relief.
    “That's because you're dead now.”
    “Oh, yeah, right.” He deflated once more, and I almost felt sorry for him – almost. He glanced at his grandmother, then down at the floor. “They weren't supposed to hurt you, Gran. I'm really sorry.” Okay, so maybe I felt a tiny bit sorry for him.
    “So you convinced this guy your grandmother had treasure?”
    “Nah, not her. The house used to belong to some old sea captain dude. Story is, he hid treasure in the house somewhere.”
    Jane got that very stern look on her face again, “Boy, are you telling me you got us killed for some old sea yarn?” There was thunder in her eyes and voice.
    Jenna moved quickly away from Jane and over to Parker. She reached out her arms to him. He looked at her with a bemused expression, shrugged and pulled her onto his lap. He gave Thulu a look as if to say, “What else can I do?”
    Jane looked at me. “We found an old journal in the attic when my folks bought the place. This captain claimed he brought back treasure from the Orient back in the 1860s and hid it in the house.”
    Robin nodded, “I looked a lot of times when I was younger, but I never did find anything.”
    Thulu and I exchanged a look. The excitement that had disappeared when little Jenna appeared now started to creep back in. We weren't a charity organization, after all. The dead

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