Pure Wicked: A Wicked Lovers Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

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Book: Read Pure Wicked: A Wicked Lovers Novella (1001 Dark Nights) for Free Online
Authors: Shayla Black
Tags: Erotic Romance, 1001 Dark Nights, Shayla Black, Wicked Lovers
to each other. I finally decided that it was fate telling me that you should be the one to stand beside me. Mama is going to walk me down the aisle since Daddy isn’t here. Please… It will be perfect.”
    What a lovely piece of emotional blackmail, wheedling in front of almost everyone she knew so that she’d look like a bitch if she refused. Never mind that she was apparently second choice. “Um…”
    “I’ve already picked out a dress and ordered it. It will fit perfectly and look fantastic. Please…”
    It would probably look awful since she and Presleigh had polar opposite tastes. Bristol took a deep breath. It didn’t matter. As Daddy had always said, family was family—and they came first. As much as she didn’t want to do this, Bristol also didn’t want to start a family feud over her pride.
    “All right. I’ll do it.”
    Jamie scoffed beside her. Yeah, she would have liked a graceful way out of this mess, too. But this commitment would last one day, over and done. Then she would step back and let Hayden and her sister live their lives.
    “Thanks, Bris.” Presleigh looked as if she was going to tear up. “It means so much to me.”
    Bristol smiled and tried to make it look genuine. “You’re welcome. On that note, the cookies are in the storage container in front of you if you’d like to pass them out.”
    “They’re your cookies. Don’t you want to?” Her sister looked confused.
    Her ego could pass up the stroke of hearing the cookies were pretty. A sugary shortbread topped with white icing and black piping to draw the June calendar, the treats had come out well.
    “I’m good.” Bristol shook her head. “Jamie and I are going now.”
    If he seemed surprised by her proclamation, he didn’t show it.
    When her mother scowled in disapproval, Jamie acted as if her sour expression didn’t exist. “She promised to spend some time with me since we’re still getting to know one another.” He reached across the table and snagged a cookie out of the red plastic container. “Nice to meet you all.”
    With that, he grabbed her purse from the table and led her out of the restaurant, taking a big bite of the pastry as they hit the door. Just outside, he stopped completely and moaned. “Oh, my god. Are you kidding me? This is a foodgasm. Amazing.”
    She grinned up at him. “Did you doubt me?”
    “If I ever did, I won’t do it again.” He moaned once more. “I understand why Jayla manipulated you for cookies. I may have to learn strategy from her.”
    He wouldn’t be around that long since she only did temporary relationships now, but that was all right. He could flirt all he wanted. “How about an ooey-gooey cinnamon roll? They’re what I’m known for. I’ll make you a pan…” She took a deep breath. “If you’re still with me come morning.”
    He froze altogether again—everything except his eyes. They came absolutely alive. Dark, focused, demanding as he scanned her face to see if she was serious. God, he really was hot. She couldn’t wait to see him without the black skullcap, without the clothes that hid what she felt sure would be a breath-stealingly hard body. Not to mention that he was funny and nice and…seemingly on the same wavelength as her.
    “Your place?” he asked.
    “Is that a yes?”
    He grabbed her shoulders, pressing their foreheads together. “That’s a hell yes. Lead the way. I’ll follow you on my bike.”
    Bristol didn’t wait for Jamie to change his mind. She dug her keys from her purse and leveled him with a sexy stare full of come-hither. “Keep up.”
    “I will,” he vowed. “Then once I have you naked and under me, I’ll get deep inside and fill you up. You won’t have a single regret.”
    Bristol refused to regret anything. She was determined they would make this a night to remember.
    She hopped in her car, and he followed her on some sleek black-and-chrome motorcycle. Watching him lean over the machine, his thighs hugging the bike as it

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