Promises Keep (The Promise Series)

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Book: Read Promises Keep (The Promise Series) for Free Online
Authors: Sarah McCarty
that while we wait.”
    She didn’t immediately take his meaning. Holding her in place, he eased his torso back and forth, teasing himself with the promise of her lips and teeth. When he pushed his cock deeper into her pussy, she delivered on the promise, scraping her teeth against his nipple as his cock stretched her wider. His hips bucked helplessly under the sensation, the strength of his entry bringing her off the bed as her eyes flew wide. Her cry was muffled against his chest as he paused, one third of his cock held tight in her grip.
    Her eyes flashed at him as he rocked against her, panic in their depths. No doubt she could feel how he got thicker toward the base. Balancing on his elbow, he smoothed the hair back from her brow. “It’s ok. I know I’m big, but I won’t hurt you. Just relax and let me do everything.”
    He lowered her head to the bed. As much as he loved her mouth on his skin, he was strung too tightly to risk hurting her with another uncontrolled response.
    He pushed back away from her, pulling his knees beneath him so her legs draped over his. They were only touching thigh to thigh and pussy to cock, and still it was almost too much stimulation. He gritted his teeth and reined in his baser desires. He couldn’t hold back forever. Her pussy was too sweet, too tight, but he’d be damned if he’d come before she took all of him. Leaning back, shaking his hair off his face, he worked a little deeper, stopping when she tensed and grimly acknowledged this could be a very long night, but by the end of it, she would take him and his hell would be over.

Chapter Three
    I am Mara Kincaid and I will survive this. I am Mara Kincaid and I will—
    She bit her lip as pain came again. Differently, adding to the confusion hazing her brain. The pressure became unbearable. She twisted and squeezed muscles she’d never known she had, trying to make it stop. Or him stop. She couldn’t remember.
    “Oh God, Angel, not yet,” a voice mumbled. “It’s been too long for me. I want to savor this…”
    Him. It was definitely a man causing her this pain and she wanted him dead, not savoring anything, least of all the violation of her body. She worked one of her hands free of his, and aimed a blow at his head. She put everything she had behind the blow and watched in disbelief as her hand landed gently against his cheek. A sob of frustration caught in her throat. Why was everything out of control? Why couldn’t she get her mouth and limbs to move as she willed?
    She pushed with her hand against his cheek. At least, she thought she was pushing, but when his response was to turn his face and kiss her palm while mumbling another apology, she almost set free the tears she swore would never fall. Dammit! She wanted to fight. She wanted to curse. She did not want to just lie here and endure.
    The man pulled away. A wave of relief went through her. It was over. It was over. But then he was back. Somehow larger and stronger, ripping the resistance from her soul as the scream ripped from her throat. She sank her teeth deep into her lip to prevent the escape of another. She wouldn’t give this animal the satisfaction of hearing her cry out. But she did, and the shame of that was more powerful than any other.
    “I’m sorry,” he rasped. “Maybe I’d just better get this first time behind us.”
    The pressure increased, as did his breathing. His fingers dug into her thighs, spreading them wide, as if through that action he could force her acceptance. Well, she wouldn’t give him that. Through sheer force of will, she’d lock him out.
    But he got his way in even that, lifting her hips as he drove forward into her body, tearing through the fog, tearing through her defenses until he reached the heart of her, the place she’d kept untouched. And filled it with darkness.
    * * * * *
    She came back to herself very shortly. She could feel wetness on her thighs and wondered in a disconnected way whether it was

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