Pregnancy Plan

Read Pregnancy Plan for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Pregnancy Plan for Free Online
Authors: Tina Gayle
Tags: Romance, Mother, contemoporary, texas setting, tina gayle, wants a baby
for every birthday, Christmas, and every
other holiday for the next eighteen years.
    Granted, he worked outside of the States
most of the time. But what happened when he wasn’t? What then?
    She could be carrying his child, right now.
As much as the idea thrilled him, he reconsidered his thoughts on
the situation.
    “ That bacon smells wonderful. How soon
until breakfast is ready?” She dropped onto a stool, positioned by
the bar between the dining room and kitchen. “I’m
    “ Shouldn’t be long. All I have left to
do is scramble the eggs. You can set the table. The plates are in
the cabinet over there.” He broke an egg into his mixing
    “ Who decorated your condo?”
    Derek glanced around at the bright white
kitchen cabinets and canary yellow walls. The kitchen, dining room
and living room formed an L shape. In the middle of dining room sat
a white tile table. Small yellow flowers decorated the chairs. The
living room had wicker furniture with green cushions with
yellow-and-white throw pillows. Each room carried a color from its
neighbor to create a bright airy feel.
    He hated it.
    “ Kelly, with Jason’s help. They picked
out the color scheme and did all the painting. I’m usually not here
so it didn’t matter one way or the other to me.”
    “ Are you still spending most of your
time out of the States?”
    “ Yes, usually the Middle East. The
company I work for provides accommodations there.”
    “ Why?”
    “ I handle the security for oil
executives traveling overseas. I make sure they get there and back
safely and then manage on-site security for their stay.”
    She played with her silverware. “How did you
get started doing that?”
    “ After college, I decided I wanted to
see the world so I joined the army, and was stationed in the Middle
East. While there, I met several businessmen traveling in the area
and they told me to look them up when I got out. The rest is
    He offered her the plate of eggs and pulled
out a chair. “Dig in.”
    She shoved some eggs onto her plate, added
some toast and grabbed a few slices of bacon.
    “ Jillian, when will you know if you’re
pregnant?” Derek broke the silence between them.
    “ A few weeks. I’m in the middle of my
cycle and should start at the end of the month.”
    He couldn’t read her but he didn’t like her
cheerful attitude. Did she want to get rid of him?
    “ Who are you going to say is the
baby’s father?” He forced a bite of eggs into his mouth and fought
to swallow his food.
    She glanced at her plate. “I hadn’t planned
on telling anyone. Do you want me to tell someone?”
    “ No. Yes, I mean, I won’t deny it, if
you want to tell someone.” He laid his hand over hers. “You’ll let
me know?”
    “ Sure, but how?” Jillian turned her
hand into his.
    “ I’ll give you my email address. You
do have access to the Web. Don’t you?” Uncertain, he
    “ Yes, but do you want me to broadcast
the fact I’m pregnant across the Net?” She appeared unsure about
the prospect of sending the message. “I don’t trust the security of
the Internet.”
    “ All you have to do is send me a one
word note. Yes or no. I’ll know what you are referring
    “ I guess you’re right.” She freed her
hand from his and took another bite of her eggs.
    He finished his breakfast, leaned back in
his chair and studied her. What did he find so attractive about
her? Her hair still wet, she appeared at home at the table with
him. The fragrant smell of soap from her shower radiated from her
    He recalled caressing her soft, silky skin
and knew he could spend a lifetime enjoying making love to her. He
responded to the thought.
    “ What do you want to do today?” Maybe
she had changed her mind and they could spend the day upstairs in
bed making love.
    “ Shopping, remember?” She peeked up
from her plate, her eyes glittering with amusement. “I know you
have other ideas, but I do have some things I want

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