Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3)

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Book: Read Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: L. P. Maxa
both know it.”
    She just shrugged, still in my arms.
    Lexi nodded then pursed her lips, “What about phone fudging?”
    Bryan sounded a little exasperated. “I just said I had a boyfriend.”
    “Phone fudging isn’t cheating.” Lexi stole a piece of bread off the island.
    Dash looked at her like she was crazy. “Excuse me? It sure as shit is.”
    It was Lexi’s turn to shrug.
    I shook my head. “No. No, phone fudging.” I stepped away from Bryan and grabbed the wine out of the fridge, refilling her glass. “We are friends , nothing more, nothing less. And neither one of us are looking to ruin our relationship with sex.” I met Dylan’s eyes. “I won’t hurt your sister, Dil. I promise.”
    Dylan gave me a sad smile. “She’s not the one I’m worried is going to end up hurt, Jacks.”
    Bryan cocked her head. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
    Dylan scoffed. “When’s the last time you had a relationship that lasted longer than three months, Bryan? Hmm? Can’t remember? Yeah, that’s because you never have.”
    “Those cartwheels don’t matter.” I popped a piece of bread in my mouth as everyone looked at me like I’d lost my mind.
    Dash shook his head, confused. “What the hell does that even mean?”
    I shrugged. “You know, like a clown at the circus. Their cartwheels don’t matter. No one cares; they’re irrelevant.”
    Dash scratched his head. “I can’t believe someone left a child in your care.”
    I ate another piece of bread, smiling at the low blow I knew he’d said with nothing but love in his heart. “Anyone have any more questions?”
    Luke raised his hand. “I do. Who is the child setting the dining room table?”
    Dinner went surprisingly well. Dylan loosened up after a glass or two of wine and she and Bryan made us all laugh with stories about when they were little. Even Landry was giggling. After it was over Bryan went into the kitchen with Dylan and Lexi. Leaving me alone once again with my daughter. Was she my daughter? The more time I spent with her, the more convinced I was that her mother had actually been telling the truth. But we wouldn’t know for sure for a few more days. In the meantime this kid deserved some comfort and happiness and warmth. And I was going to make sure she got it. But I wasn’t super positive what to do next. It was late and she’d had a big day. That meant bedtime, right? “Do you want to come upstairs and pick out a room?”
    Landry nodded and got to her feet. We stopped and grabbed all her bags before heading up the dark wood stairs. There were two empty bedrooms on the second floor, which was where Luke’s and my rooms were. Whichever one Landry didn’t want, Bryan could have. I doubted it would go over well if B stayed in my room, even if nothing was going to happen. Plus, was that a good example for Landry? I had no clue what was good for her and what wasn’t. I was so out of my element it wasn’t even funny. “Okay, this is my room and the one at the end of the hall is Luke’s.” I flipped on the lights in both empty rooms. “Which one of these would you like?” The one across the hall from me was super girly-looking and had its own bathroom where the one next door to me shared a bathroom with my room.
    “Uh…this one.” She picked the one right across the hall from mine. The doors were lined up exactly.
    I nodded. “Good choice, the bathtub in there is huge. It’s like a swimming pool.” I sat her bags down. “Uh, do you want to use it? The bathtub?”
    She peered inside and smiled. “Can I?”
    “It’s your bathtub, Buttercup. You can use it whenever you want.” Right? Wait. Did I have to bathe her? She seemed old enough to do that herself. Right? “Do you take baths by yourself? Or did your mom…? I can get Bryan to come sit with you, if you want.”
    She shook her head. “No thank you. I can do it myself.”
    I nodded. “Okay. Well, uh, how about I stay out here and unpack your stuff?” I

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