Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1)

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Book: Read Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Fox Hawkins, Britannia Bloom
presented to eat. He's not deterred however. In fact, he's delighted. Noah's been eating as though food is becoming extinct recently, and he'll no doubt finish this delicious breakfast with space to spare for seconds.
    "Thank you," the omega replies, heat returning to his cheeks, but it's less so out of embarrassment and rather that he's enjoying being doted upon by Adam. There's a rightness about it all, a soft, lilting contentment that settles over him with the ease of a spring morning, lifting an ache he never realized he had.
    Noah tucks into his breakfast, ravenous.
    Adam doesn't try to make conversation while Noah's eating, for which the omega is grateful, and when he finally slows down on helping number two, pushing scrambled eggs around his plate as his stomach tells him that it's full but his brain points out how delicious the meal had been, the alpha finally speaks:
    "You know… I've been thinking."
    Noah looks up at that, tensing a little, but he's listening and the alpha doesn't seem upset or grim so the omega hopes it's not going to be bad news. He's not sure he would be able to take it right now if Adam told him off for coming over unannounced or rescinded his offer to help with the pregnancy.
    Luckily the other werewolf continues without any prompting, "I don't think you should be left alone anymore."
    Noah regards the alpha quietly.
    "Do you have anyone in your pack that you can rely on?" Adam prods gently.
    Shame wires hot in Noah's stomach and he looks down at his lap, his hands, and says, "I'm sorry I came over like this. I won't do it again if it's been bothersome."
    The alpha exhales a breath, "Oh, that's not what I meant. I just don't like the idea of you being, well, vulnerable . But I'd look like a creep if I just told you to move in with me. I'm probably some big, bad scary alpha that got you preggers, right? You'd probably want to get to know me first."
    Noah blinks up at Adam, bewildered. "I don't see you like that!"
    The alpha laughs. "That's not what you said when you first found me, you know."
    "Don't presume to know what I think," Noah huffs, agitated that words have been put into his mouth. Adam's right, of course—he's being sensible about this while Noah's not. But that doesn't change the fact that the alpha's writing himself off on Noah's behalf.
    Sucking in a steadying breath, the omega prepares himself.
    "I don't… have a pack at all, actually," Noah admits.
    Adam's expression is one of disbelief. "What? Of course you do! You're an omega."
    Noah shakes his head, "I—… I ran away from mine, actually. Um…" And then, "Yesterday my sister found me. That's why I came here. I don't— I can't… I refuse to be caught. I refuse to go back." He looks at Adam head on, stubborn, prepared to defend himself if the other werewolf objects like he most certainly will. He can't understand Noah; he can't know that this solution, while simple, would kill the omega.
    To his surprise, however, Adam just says, "Okay."
    "Okay?" Noah echoes, brows climbing into his hairline. "That's all you have to say?"
    It isn't what Noah had been expecting. An omega without a pack is unheard of and it might as well be forbidden, considering the condemning nature of it for the omega in question, because, of course, an omega can't possibly survive without their pack. Yes, Noah might have gotten himself into somewhat of a sticky situation but he's survived well enough thus far and he'll continue to be alright with his baby.
    Though he isn't going to deny the help Adam's offering as that would be foolish.
    For the other male not to be alarmed has Noah rather confounded, however, and it seems too good to be true that the man's pride, headstrong and alpha, hasn't scolded Noah and demanded he reunite with his pack, since they're clearly looking for him.
    All Noah receives from Adam is a shrug and, when the alpha looks at him, there

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