
Read NoWayOut for Free Online Page A

Book: Read NoWayOut for Free Online
Authors: NiaKFoxx
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Interracial, African American, bwwm
up with some way to escape.
    “So what happens now?” Her tone was unnecessarily low consider ing the thick privacy glass separating them from the driver.
    “As I said before we’re taking a little trip, shall we call it a getting better acquainted vacation?”
    Vacation? Was that how it was known in the world of organized crime? A permanent vacation of eternal rest and relaxation.
    “Have you ever been to the Cayman Island’s?”
    “No, ” she answered truthfully. It was one of many vacations she’d never take. The names of five other locale’s came to mind. All places she’d promised to take herself to someday and now the someday would never come.
    “It ’ s beautiful, we’ll stay at a private villa.”
    “Excuse me?”
    For the first time since they’d started the car ride he looked in her direction.
    “A villa, you know a-”
    She held up her hands to silence him. “I know what a villa is, but you just said we’re going there?”
    “That’s right.”
    “As in at this moment?”
    “ As in after a plane ride, yes.” He watched her in confusion, his perplexed look seeming completely genuine.
    Was he serious or was this all part of some elaborate ruse to calm her . “So this isn’t the long car ride?”
    “The what?”
    “You know the journey - to the journey - to the gr eat beyond? ”
    His brows furrowed in question.
    “Being fitted for cement shoes?”
    “Going to meet my maker.”
    She saw understanding dawn on his face just before he bellowed, “You thought I was going to kill you?”
    His raised tone must have been heard through the privacy glass because their driver gave them several quick looks in the rear view before redirecting his attention to the road. He sure did sound as if her suggestion were outrageous. Very convincing.
    She laughed nervously, “The thought had crossed my mind.”
    Not only had it crossed her mind but broke ground, poured foundation and planned to build a permanent residence there. The knots subsided slightly although relief didn’t completely take hold. After all, she was still dealing with a criminal and wasn’t sure what he wanted from her.

    Chapter Five
    The villa was an ode to Spanish hacienda meets Caribbean hav en. A private beach surrounding most of the property left only one land entrance/exit. The ho use gave amazing views which could be enjoyed through lar ge bay windows. Blue ocean rolled in to lap a t a white sandy shoreline. Behind her the sound of fading footsteps could be heard on the granite tile followed by the closing of outer doors. They were alone.
    “Do you want to go for a swim?”
    The question came as she stood soaking in the scenery.
    “Not at the moment.”
    “Perhaps later?”
    She felt more than heard him walk up behind her . She waited for his touch. Feeling oddly disappointed when it didn’t come.
    “Maybe.” Tiffany couldn’t help but be struck by how perfect the day was with its clear blue skies and gently swelling ocean. It was all so right with just one nagging exception. She turned and wasn’t surprised to fin d him close. “I have to say I don’t understand what’s going on here. Why am I here? How do you know my name?”
    “Why don’t you come have a seat?” He suggested extending his hand for her to take.
    She thought back to the night before. Should she trust him?
    In the end she accepted his offer allowing him to draw her to an overstuffed sofa. He settled next to her angling himself so they could make eye contact.
    “I know you’re not a housekeeper Tiffany and the real reason you were at Alexi’s.”
    “You do ?” She certainly wasn’t going to volunteer up any information.
    “ Let’s not play games. You put yourself in danger to get a story, which was very foolish. Men like Alexi play for keeps and don’t take kindly to anyone getting in their way.”
    “Unlike yourself?”
    “We’re not talking about me at the moment. I took you out of LA to keep you safe.”
    “Excuse me if I

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