No Stone Unturned

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Book: Read No Stone Unturned for Free Online
Authors: Helen Watts
standing exactly where Kelly had when she had been calling to Tyson.
    The boy was staring down at the track, but he must have sensed Kelly’s presence, because he turned his face towards her and smiled. Kelly half nodded and raised her hand to acknowledge him. She was about to turn right to carry on towards the village when Tyson, who had been sniffing around at the base of a tree, suddenly noticed the boy too, and nearly yanked Kelly’s arm out of its socket in an effort to reach him.
    â€˜Tyson!’ Kelly cried. ‘Don’t pull me like that!’
    But Tyson seemed desperate to get to the stranger and, equally desperate not to let go of the lead, Kelly had to let the little dog drag her along the path and up onto the bridge.
    â€˜I’m so sorry,’ she panted, as Tyson put his front paws up on the boy’s trousers, leaving two muddy streaks down his knee. ‘I think he just wants to say hello.’
    The boy, who was wearing a dark green checked shirt tucked into his now filthy brown trousers, laughed and bent down to tickle Tyson behind his ears. ‘It’s fine, really. I like dogs. He’s a friendly little chap, isn’t he? What’s his name?’
    â€˜Tyson,’ said Kelly. ‘Like the boxer.’ The boy looked blank. This was when Kelly usually had to explain that it was Tyson
Tyson, but as the boy didn’t offer any comment, she quickly moved on. ‘He’s not usually this friendly with strangers. He can be a bit of a fighter.’
    â€˜I find that hard to believe,’ the boy said with a laugh, as Tyson sat down in front of him and held up a paw as if wanting to shake hands.
    Kelly thought what a nice face the boy had. He looked friendly and kind, and when he laughed his blue eyes twinkled. That, combined with his fair hair, which flopped softly about his face, gave him an altogether angelic look.
    â€˜I’m Kelly, by the way.’
    â€˜And I’m B…Ben.’ The boy briefly stumbled over his name.
    Kelly wondered if he had a stutter, so to try to put him at his ease, she made a little joke. ‘Ben and Kelly.’ She laughed. ‘Sounds a bit like Ben and Jerry.’
    Ben looked at her, clearly confused.
    â€˜You know, Ben and Jerry’s? The ice cream? I just thought…oh, never mind. Ignore me.’ Ben must think she was bonkers. She quickly changed the subject. ‘I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you local?’
    â€˜Yes. My family has a cottage on Stone Pit Farm, out on the other side of the village.’
    â€˜Oh,’ said Kelly, surprised. ‘It’s funny I’ve not bumped into you before, then. Tyson and I come out walking every day. I think I’ve been past that farm and I come up the canal quite a bit.’
    â€˜Well, you wouldn’t have seen me here before. I’m not supposed to be here, you see. I mean—my mother would go mad if she knew I was anywhere near the railway.’
    â€˜Yeah, they’re not the safest places to hang about. I’m with you there,’ snorted Kelly, leaning against the side of the bridge. ‘I nearly lost Tyson here the other day.’ She told Ben all about the rabbit and the boot, and how Tyson had come very close to being hit by a train. ‘I was so relieved to get him back,’ she finished. ‘He climbed back up that embankment just in time.’
    Ben gave Tyson a pat on the head. ‘You’re a clever dog, aren’t you?’ he cooed. ‘You knew exactly what you were doing.’
    â€˜So why
you here?’ enquired Kelly, as she looked down at the top of Ben’s head, covered in gentle golden waves.
    â€˜I’m waiting for a train.’
    â€˜Then you’re in the wrong place.’ Kelly pointed in the direction of the Wilmcote road. ‘The station’s back down there, don’t you know?’
    Ben gave her a sarcastic look. ‘Yes, I know. I’m

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