Murder on Parade

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Book: Read Murder on Parade for Free Online
Authors: Melanie Jackson
Tags: Mystery
slept with David— on Thanksgiving, in my parent’s laundry room, on my aunt’s fur coat, where they were caught— was also going to be there. And if that didn’t make the horror complete, Cousin Todd would be attending too. He was the beast who had bullied me all through childhood and terrified me with vivid stories of monsters in the library that scare me to this day.
    I was very glad to have Alex with me on the return trip. I had brought my flexi-flyer to use as a sled for the groceries, but the hill felt a lot steeper in the snow. The wind was also picking up loose snowflakes and blowing them into an ice fog that left the eyes streaming.
    Instead of leading the way, Blue took up a flanking position guarding the prime rib. The dog had her priorities and very large meat was at the top of her list. She didn’t actually expect that the roast would fall to the ground and need rescuing, but she is a dog and could not abandon all hope of such an epic event.
    We made it home with time to spare. The cats thought that we should stay in, build a fire and cook fishy things and were not shy about expressing themselves. Apollo climbed in my lap the moment I sat down and began to purr. Erupting volcanoes would have been less noisy. Sadly, there was really only time for a hot cocoa and milk-bone pick-me-up before we had to head back out into the snow and the mischievous, stinging wind.
    The church’s official address is Washington Street but almost everyone enters through the pretty arched gate on Larkrise Drive and this was the path that had been shoveled, some of the excess snow being made into snowmen who sported red and green mufflers. There was a live Christmas tree blazing to the right of the carved wood door and the stone steps were lined with poinsettias. It was not traditional wedding decorations but very beautiful. Candlelight services were always a big part of Christmas Eve, but we would have to miss them this year because of Althea and Dale’s reception.
    The snowy view might have grown monotonous but because it was Christmas there were lights everywhere, and patches of greenery and festively dressed snowmen in many yards. If we hadn’t been on the way to Althea’s wedding rehearsal, I might have been carefree enough to drop and make snow angels.
    We were the last to arrive. Alex stayed at the back of the church with Blue and the huddle of discarded coats while I entered the lion’s den. The only fond faces at the altar belonged to my Dad and Father McIlhenny. I managed to hug a pinch-faced Althea but ignored Dale and my ex since they were being chummy. I wondered where Mom and Aunt Dot were and then realized they would be getting ready for the rehearsal luncheon.
    Althea had her practice bouquet made from the bows of gifts she had received at her wedding shower. The sentimental gesture surprised me a little, but I was glad since it would please my aunt who had made it for her. Alex, who had thought to bring a camera, snapped a picture. Althea’s face smoothed once the camera was present and she began to behave in a slightly more animated fashion.
    We practiced walking the aisle and standing at the altar, but there wasn’t much else to do since Father McIlhenny would not go through the service until the actual wedding. I tried not to think of Herb Dillon’s death as I stood at the altar, but one of the stained glass windows was etched with the words: Build thee more stately mansions, oh my soul . Since this was at eye-level and the light off the reflected snow outside was very bright, it was rather hard to ignore.
    I wrestled that tenuous enemy and won the battle, but knew I would eventually lose the war to suspicion. I just hoped my brain waited until after the wedding to fully engage. My family deserved my attention too.
    Twenty minutes later we escaped into the biting cold air. As a group, we all reached for our sunglasses and then turned up Lemondrop Lane, which was the shortest route to Aunt Dot’s house.

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