Meagan (I Dare You Book 3)

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Book: Read Meagan (I Dare You Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer Labelle
about tomorrow? I’d like you to come in a couple hours early so I can give you the tour and introduce you to everyone. The job itself is pretty straightforward.”
    “Okay.” Meagan began to rise and held out her hand for Coop to take. “What time?”
    Coop stood up and his strong, calloused hand met her silky-smooth one. “If you’re here at five, it should give us plenty of time before our doors open at seven”
    She nodded before taking a step toward the door, where she stopped again. “Just one more thing.” She gave him her best smile, grateful for the chance he was taking on her, her first big break in her new start on life. “Should I call you Coop, Lyric, Mr. Cooper, or Boss?”
    “Whatever you like, darlin’. Mr. Cooper or Boss has got to go, but Lyric or Coop is fine. Most people call me Coop because of the band, though.”
    “That’s right. Your band is also named Lyric . ” She smiled again and felt like flirting. “I like the name, but I suppose I should just go with the flow and call you Coop like everyone else, then?”
    “If you’d like, but since you like my name so much I suppose I wouldn’t mind hearing you use it.” He stepped closer until there were only a couple of inches separating them. The chemistry lingered thick in the air between the two, yet neither acted upon it.
    “Lyric,” she whispered, testing it out. She took a step closer and reached out to touch him. Her hand landed on his strong forearm, and she let herself enjoy the feel of his hard muscle underneath. “Thank you.”
    It wasn’t until later that night she regretted that action. She cursed herself for coming on too strong and hoped the embarrassment would fade before she saw him again. He was her new boss, for Christ’s sake, and the last thing she wanted to be was a walking cliché, no matter how strong the attraction.
    But tomorrow was another day, a day she was determined to make right, a day were she’d try her best to control her drooling. A day where she hoped to show Mr. Lyric Cooper that he wouldn’t regret his decision to hire her.

Chapter Four
    “So how was your sleep this time?” Lyric asked, leading her toward the back to show her where to keep her stuff.
    “They’re still very active, but it wasn’t as bad as the night before. It probably had to do with the fact I was pretty much a walking zombie by the time I got to bed, though. Exhaustion took me into a nice dreamless serenity until the sun came up. It was great.”
    “I bet. You look great, by the way.” He gestured for her to enter through the door he now held open. It led to a small storage room located at the back of the bar that had a couple of lockers in the corner, with a few cleaning supplies and janitorial essentials scattered about.
    With a shy “Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself” in response, she headed inside while he nodded and continued the grand tour.
    “You can take one of these spare lockers for your stuff. It should be fine for tonight, but tomorrow you might want to bring a lock for it just in case.”
    “Okay.” Meagan put her purse and coat away. “What next?” She spun eagerly in his direction and looked forward to getting started. Yet she also felt a little nervous about it at the same time. She smoothed out her shirt self-consciously and waited.
    Coop stood there staring without another word, and she fidgeted. “Is something the matter?” She spun around again to make sure she was presentable. Maybe my fly is down, or I got a booger hanging… She chuckled to herself but wiped her nose just to be sure.
    “Nothing at all.” He smirked. “Now if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you around and introduce you to everyone. They should all be here shortly.”
    “So tell me, Coop, do you sing every night?” They’d passed by the stage, and Meagan couldn’t help but voice her curiosity as memories of him performing a few nights before came flooding back.
    “I play on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays,

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