KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook

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Book: Read KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook for Free Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Erotic Romance
whatever they cared to take.
knew no shame, thrusting her hips into Tyler's face and her breasts into Logan's
had fallen into their carefully designed trap, lured by their exquisite talent
for sexuality. A tiny part of her brain hoped she'd get out with a whole skin.
The rest of her just flat out didn't care.
she staggered into Logan, her legs threatening to give way and crumple around
Tyler's face.
they seemed ready for this and she was in their arms before she realized her
feet had left the ground. A bed materialized beneath her, soft and expansive,
and she opened her eyes to see Logan, beautifully naked in the low light,
stripping her thong from her body with gentle movements.
him, Tyler finished undressing, his eyes roaming her body appreciatively as his
clothes fell away.
felt powerful, feminine, and admired; a heady brew of sensual eroticism heated
by a hunger growing deep in her belly.
men were compelling, lovely to look at, prime specimens of masculinity.
Everything that was female inside Susannah stood up and gave them a standing
ovation. And then laid down with legs spread wide open in wanton invitation.
knew this night would meet or exceed any ideas she'd ever had about sex.
Neither man would let it be otherwise.
worries or inhibitions she'd clung to vanished at the first stroke of their
skin against hers.
her world suddenly became illuminated with the brilliance of unimagined
two men moved almost as one, with Logan clambering onto the bed and moving
upward near her head while Tyler curled himself down toward her thighs. From
there, they resumed their earlier activities.
taste so good." The whisper came from lips that hovered above her sex.
She didn't know how to answer.
can't wait until it's my turn to find out," Logan murmured as he shifted
his position. "Until then I'll have to make do with these."
cupped her breasts and squeezed them together, then dipped his head and swiped
his tongue forcefully over both her nipples. It was an amazingly wonderful
sensation and she gasped out a moan of delight. "Jesus. Do that again."
did, repeating the move, just as Tyler rediscovered the wet and swollen folds
of her pussy lips. Helpless, she squirmed and groaned, sobbing out a breath as
two mouths suckled and licked and nipped on the most erogenous areas of her
seemed to know instinctively how to play with her tender areolas, where to be
gentle and when to pull with his entire mouth. He kept the teasing arousal
steady and unbelievably wonderful, working in concert with Tyler, whose hair
tickled the inside of her thighs.
his part, Tyler was demonstrating a skill at oral sex that bewildered Susannah.
She enjoyed this particular activity, of course, since she was the focus of
attention and there wasn't a damn thing wrong with that in her book.
usually such treatment brought her orgasm quickly, and the touch of a man's
tongue against her clit--or even near it after a certain point--did the trick.
again, she was proved wrong.
knew how to lick her and suck her. And he knew where. Within seconds she was
aroused, her body alight with nerve endings shimmering with sexual excitement.
There could be only one resolution. And yet it didn't come.
to her surprise, did she.
thrusting touch of Tyler's tongue added fuel to her fire. Yet his pace was
leisurely, his exploration detailed and steady. She began to understand that he
wasn't eating her pussy to make her come, he was eating her pussy because he
enjoyed it. He treated her sex like the finest delicacy, something to be
savored and enjoyed for what it was, not what it would do if he worked it a
certain way.
sampled her hot juices, which she knew were coating more than just her thighs
at this point. He took time to kiss her belly, diverted his attention to her
navel for a few moments and then returned

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