His Dream Role

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Book: Read His Dream Role for Free Online
Authors: Shannyn Schroeder
wanted to see it, but my friends never wanted to go.”
    His shoulders relaxed and he smiled. She put her hand over his on top of the gear lever. “Stop being nervous. Even if I’d seen it yesterday, I wouldn’t have said anything. It would be a really bitchy move to ruin something that you obviously put thought into.”
    â€œYeah, well . . .”
    â€œWhat kind of girls have you dated that this was a real concern?” Although she asked the question rhetorically, part of her wanted the answer.
    He pulled into a lot, paid for parking, then walked around to the passenger side to meet her. Definitely a sweet guy.
    Inside the dark theater lobby, he led the way. The place was crowded and although he turned to make sure she was close, the press of people worried her. Then he reached back and grabbed her hand. She liked the connection. He led her down near the front and handed her some plastic.
    â€œWhat is this?”
    â€œWe’re in the poncho seats. Trust me, wear it.” He unfolded his poncho and slipped it on, so she did the same.
    They settled in their seats, and nerves rattled through her. How gross was this going to be that they needed ponchos? Maybe she misunderstood what the show was.
    As if sensing her fear, Free leaned close and said, “Trust me. It’s fun.”
    And he was right. The show was awesome. Paint splattering, marshmallows flying, drums beating. It was excellent. She laughed so hard she’d cried. When she saw Free laughing with her, she knew she was experiencing the best first date of her life.

    Free couldn’t remember a time he’d laughed so hard with a girl. With Adam and Hunter? Sure. But never on a date. He didn’t even know why he’d thought Blue Man Group would be a good choice for Samantha, but he was glad he got the tickets. When the show ended, they fought their way out into the cold night air. After getting in the car, he asked Sam where she wanted to go for dinner.
    â€œWhatever. It doesn’t matter.”
    â€œWell, given the way we’re dressed, we need to stick with something casual. Are you sure you don’t have a preference?”
    â€œNope. I’m safe in your hands.”
    Satisfaction burned through him at her words. He’d known he hit the mark when he caught her laughing throughout the show, but hearing her acknowledge it was even better. Who needed to throw out a line when the direct approach worked? Hunter was on to something here.
    He drove down the street and over to Clark where they could find a bar that served food.
    Unfortunately, he was not a bar aficionado and the one he chose had crappy food. At least the beer was okay. As long as they ordered bottled beer. But none of that seemed to matter to Samantha. They laughed and joked about school and parents and friends. Before he knew it, it was after midnight.
    â€œI should probably get you home.” What he really wanted more than anything was to go home with her, but he wasn’t smooth enough to nab that invitation on a first date. It was important to know your limitations.
    She released a loud yawn and quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry. That had nothing to do with the quality of our date. I was up really early this morning.”
    He helped her into her coat and drove her home. On the drive, his mind raced. Should he park and walk her in? Should he pull up and let her out? What about a kiss? He definitely wanted a kiss. His car was not made for a lingering good-night kiss. Reaching across the console left too much space.
    Park. Definitely park. He pulled into a metered spot on the street.
    â€œYou don’t have to park.”
    Shit. She had a good time. Didn’t she want him to kiss her?
    â€œI mean, you’ve paid for our entire evening. It seems silly to pay for parking for a few minutes’ walk up to my door.”
    â€œIt’s worth the extra couple of bucks to walk you in.” He paid the

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